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Hungarian asylum proposals clearly violate human rights

Greens/EFA group calls for infringement proceedings

Following the decision of the Hungarian Parliament yesterday on the treatment of asylum seekers, the Greens/EFA Group has written to the European Commission calling for infringement proceedings against Hungary and the end of the Frontex mission in Hungary.

Greens/EFA co-president Ska Keller comments:

"The European Commission must launch infringement proceedings against Hungary. Hungary is blatantly violating EU asylum law and completely disregarding fundamental human rights. Fleeing violence is not a crime. We have clear rules in the EU prohibiting the blanket detention of all asylum seekers. The European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, must also suspend its operations on the Hungarian border. The brutality of the Hungarian authorities towards asylum seekers and migrants is an attack on our European values. Frontex must not allow itself to be complicit, directly or indirectly, in such human rights abuses."


Responsible MEPs

Ska Keller
Ska Keller

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