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Parliament wants to make repairs simpler, faster & cheaper

Today, the European Parliament will adopt its trilogue negotiating mandate on the Right to Repair. The Right to Repair will see the obligation for manufacturers to repair their products for a certain period of time and the prioritisation of repair over replacement in the event of a product defect during the statutory guarantee period. The Greens/EFA Group have successfully campaigned to prevent practices that stand in the way of repair, such as the device no longer working with spare parts not produced by the manufacturer.

Anna Cavazzini MEP, Greens/EFA Shadow Rapporteur and Chair of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee, comments:

"Repair should be accessible and affordable for all. The Right to Repair is a milestone that enables sustainable choice for consumers and facilitates the transition to a circular economy.

“Access to spare parts at a reasonable price as well as repair instructions from manufacturers should also be guaranteed for small repair shops and consumers. This opening up of the market marks the end of the unchallenged power of large corporations such as Apple.

“To ensure that repairs are worthwhile for consumers, the Parliament will fight for an extension of the legal guarantee by one year after repair during negotiations with the Member States. We call on the Commission and the Council to support a strong Right to Repair in the upcoming negotiations and herald the end of the throwaway society."


In March 2023, the European Commission proposed the Right to Repair as a central building block of the circular economy.


Responsible MEPs

Anna Cavazzini
Anna Cavazzini

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