Sergey Lagodinsky
string(3) "147"
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Defending and Protecting Civic Space

A Greens/EFA roundtable


Civic space is the cornerstone of every vibrant democracy, allowing citizens to organise and meaningfully engage in shaping their societies.

In recent years, civic space in the EU and other countries in the world has become increasingly threatened. Repressive laws and administrative hurdles increasingly restrict the freedoms of expression, assembly, and association throughout Europe. Digital technologies are being used by governments to surveil civil society movements and free media under the pretext of national security. The crackdown on Civil Society has become a recent reality in many Member States, and has been slowly growing in several others.

Against this background, the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament brings together relevant stakeholders and policymakers in the EU for a round table.

The event will count with the presentation of the recent OECD Report which provides a comparative review of legal frameworks, policies and institutional agreements relating to civic space, as well as identified implementation gaps on civic space in 33 OECD member states and 19 non-member states.

In addition, European lawmakers and civil society stakeholders will exchange on the state of civic space in the European Union, its challenges and policy-oriented solutions.


Date and Time: 2 March, 11:00 – 12:30




11:00 Introduction

by MEP Sergey Lagodinsky (Greens/EFA), First Vice-Chair of the JURI Committee, Rapporteur on the “statute for cross-border associations”, Chair of the Greens/EFA Campaign “Defend Civil Society”

11:05 Civil Society Testimony
by Marta Szuster, Strajk Kobiet, Poland

11:10 Presentation of the 2022 OECD Report on Civic Space
by Claire Mc Evoy, Policy Analyst, Lead on Civic Space, OECD and Deniz Devrim, Policy Analyst, OECD

11:25 Presentation of the 2022 Report on the Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights (with focus on Civic Space)
by Ms Bellander-Todino, European Commission, DG Just, Head of Unit Fundamental Rights Policy

11:35 Civil Society Testimony
by Giada Negri, European Civic Forum

11:45 Discussion: Policy Gaps and Solutions to strengthen Civic Space
moderated by MEP Sergey Lagodinsky

12:10 Q&A with audience

12:30 end


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Artificial Intelligence
Photo by Mathurin NAPOLY / matnapo via Unsplash
Photo by Mathurin NAPOLY / matnapo via Unsplash

Zuständige Abgeordnete

Sergey Lagodinsky
Sergey Lagodinsky
Stellvertretende:r Fraktionsvorsitzende:r
