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Clean Power from Deserts

Launch of the white book of the DESERTEC concept for Energy, Water and Climate Security

The project is supported within the European Parliament by several MEPs, including Greens/EFA MEP Rebecca Harms. It is also an initative of the Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperation (TREC) which campaigns for the transmission of clean power from deserts to Europe.

The White Paper was elaborated for The Club of Rome, and is based on studies by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) on the potential of deserts for clean energy supply for EU-MENA. It introduces the option of clean energy co-operation between technology belt and sun-belt, in particular between Europe and the MENA region.

After the presentation of the White Book in the European Parliament, MEPs Rebecca Harms, Greens/EFA, and Vittorio Prodi, ALDE, issued the following press release:

"European Union to kick-off stronger energy co-operation with the Middle East and North Africa

Today, His Royal Highness Prince Hassan of Jordan presented the White Paper "Clean Power from Deserts - The DESERTEC-Concept for Energy, Water and Climate Security" to a huge interested audience in the European Parliament. This project finally focuses on the signicifant potential of solar technologies for the Mediterranean Regions as well as Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and paves the way for a climate friendly energy supply for the European Union.

On this occasion, German Green MEP Rebecca Harms comments: "The project of a closer co-operation between the MENA region and the European Union opens up very promising possibilities for both partners. Not only could the MENA region take a step towards climate friendly and non-fossile future energy supply, but also could the dreams of French president Nicolas Sarkozy for a nuclear initiative in states like Libya be put to an end." 

Vittorio Prodi, Italian ALDE MEP, adds: "The project DESERTEC could fit very well in the list of initiatives promoted by the EU in the framework of The Euromediterranean dialogue and could represent a brilliant solution for the reduction of global warming through the effects of clean energy production. It would also help in defusing the israelo-palestinian conflict insofar as it offers a way to enhance and develop local energy, making desertic regions more attractive and self sufficient, making for instance life easier in the Gaza region."

For the full information:
Power Point presentation Desertec concept

White Book of the Desertec Concept (pdf)

Action Plan of the Desertec concept (pdf)

Presentation of the Desertec Concept (pdf)

Press release on the Desertec concept of the German Club of Rome Association (English)

Press release on the Desertec concept of the German Club of Rome Association (German)


© Christian Kaufmann
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