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A Digital and Green Transition: Will Artificial Intelligence foster or hamper the Green New Deal?

Live Webinar - Register here!

Two of the European Commission’s key priorities for the upcoming years are Europe fit for the Digital Age and the Green Deal. In reaching these goals, the Commission plans to accelerate innovation and digitalisation, while at the same time reaching climate neutrality and high environmental standards.

In our event “A Digital and Green Transition: Will Artificial Intelligence foster or hamper the Green New Deal?” the Greens/EFA will explore how we can ensure the two goals promote each other and which actions we need to ensure the digital transition and Green Deal are not mutually exclusive.

How can AI be deployed to benefit society, advance research and accelerate our climate transition without its impact hampering our environmental goals? Artificial intelligence and the availability of data can be key enablers for the EU’s energy transition towards renewables, better energy systems, enhanced mobility patterns and infrastructures and a fully circular economy, to name only a few. During this event we will go into the possibilities new technological innovations bring to save the planet. Meanwhile, we cannot ignore the impact of machine learning, heavy algorithms and their pending infrastructure on the environment. Not to mention the critical metals that ICT requires. How can we minimise this environmental impact and reconcile our European digital and green ambitions?"

Experts will discuss what the environmental impact of AI is and in which ways AI can contribute to the goals of the Green Deal. The different experts will also go into which regulatory framework we need to ensure both a digital and a green age.

The event will take place online and will be livestreamed on social media channels.

16:00 Opening by MEP Kim van Sparrentak

16:05 Introduction and panel discussion moderated by MEP David Cormand


  • Dr. Theodora Dryer, Lead Research Scholar for Climate and Water at the AI Now Institute, Research Professor at New York University
  • Fieke Jansen, PhD candidate at the Data Justice Lab at Cardiff University and Fellow at the Mozilla Foundation
  • Chris Adams, Director of the Green Web Foundation and Organiser at Climate Action.Tech

17:00 Response by Commission representative, DG CNECT (tbc)

17:10 Q&A with the audience

17:25 Closing remarks by MEP Kim van Sparrentak









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Responsible MEPs

David Cormand
David Cormand
Kim Van Sparrentak
Kim Van Sparrentak

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