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European Ideas Lab

Greens meet changemakers

<<<<< This event is now closed.
But we're putting together a new edition for March 2018! All information here >>>>>

The European Ideas Lab is a climate friendly event. It takes place in a passive building, food is regional, bio and vegetarian and we try to produce as little waste as possible. Any emissions caused will be offset with atmosfair.

Please note that registrations for the European Ideas Lab are closed.
If you are desperate to come, please get in touch: greens.changemakers@ep.europa.eu

The opening session and keynote speech by Rajagopal on Friday 3 February at 18:30 will be livestreamed below


Please check programme displayed at the venue for rooms and last minute modifications.

Friday, 3.2.2017


Official Programme

Side Programme



Tour through European Parliament (upon registration only!)


Accreditation opens - Foyer BEL



Welcome Coffee & Participants Stands & Exhibition by Brandalism - Foyer BEL



Opening of the Conference  - Plenary BEL
Reinhard Bütikofer - Co-chair of the European Green Party
Ska Keller - Co-president of the Greens/EFA




Keynote Speech by Rajagopal  - Plenary BEL



Concert by Zuflucht Kultur  - Plenary BEL



Buffet Dinner - Foyer BEL




Saturday, 4.2.2017


Official Programme

Side Programme


Accreditation opens

Tour through Tour and Taxis Park by Parckfarm
Meeting Point: Foyer BEL

Upcycling workshop by d'Avent
Foyer BEL

Wake Up singing with Zuflucht Kultur


Opening session - Plenary BEL
Philippe Lamberts, Co-president of the Greens/EFA
Stiofán Nutty - Moderator

9:45 - 10:20

Short speeches by activists - Plenary BEL

Erdős Jánosné Mária-  Varos Mindeke (HU)
Oliver Moldenhauer -  wemove.eu (EU)
Amira Jehia - Mein Grundeinkommen (DE)
Jay Tompt - Transition Town Totnes (UK)
Hanan Kayed - Refugees Welcome (EU)
Olivier Vermeulen - Musée du Capitalisme (BE)
Gals4Gals - collective (PL)


Workshop session I

Participative Democracy and Access to information

Julia Reda

Anti-corruption and Transparency

Benedek Jávor

Exclusion and democratic rights - minority and marginalized groups

Bodil Valero and
Ulrike Lunacek

Social Justice

Philippe Lamberts

Greening the Economy

Reinhard Bütikofer




Bas Eickhout

Urban movements and access to housing

Mar Garcia and
Vula Tsetsi

Migration, Asylum, Integration

Ska Keller

Journalism in difficult times
(for journalists only)

Rebecca Harms and Jan Phillip Albrecht




Lunch - BEL Cafeteria and Foyer



Tour through the Park by Parckfarm
Meeting point: Foyer BEL
How to make your own compost?

How to talk to Climate deniers?
Climate Reality



Participants workshop session II

Exploring the Data in Advocacy Work

Refugee Rights Data Project (UK)

How to transform your local economy in one day

Transition Town Totnes (UK)

Power to the people! The basic income as a participative opportunity to answer the crisis of neoliberalism in Europe

Mein Grundeinkommen
(DE) & Unconditional Basic Income (EU)

It's the circular economy, stupid!

De Groene Zaak (NL) & Unternehmensgrün (DE) & Ecopreneur (EU)

Visegrad 4 (PL, CZ, SK, HU) - a land for refugees?

Association for integration and migration (CZ) & The Human Rights League (SK)



Understanding through music - singing and theatre work with international groups as means for peace and understanding

Zuflucht Kultur (DE)

Online campaigning


Let´s reshape the system

Global Forum NESI “New Economy and Social Innovation"

Nature's Rights - Reconciling Law and Economy with Ecology

Rights of Nature Europe (EU)

Community Media on the rescue! 

University Radio Network (GR, ITA, FI)


16:00 - 16:30




Participants workshop session III

Girls just wanna have FUN...damental rights!

Gals4Gals (PL)

Consolidating a trans-mediterranean civil society network

Gianluca Solera (IT)

Degrowth, inequalities and the sense of  limits

Degrowth Movement (FR) & Musée du Capitalisme (BE)

Advertising and collective struggles

Brandalism (UK)

Prototype new ideas about creating a European network for welcome initiatives

Hochschule ohne Grenzen and Lichtmenschen



How to Run Effective Campaigns - a hands on approach

Brodoto (HRV)

Forum/Hackathon for an international activists platform

Pierre Lalu, Nuitdebout (FR)

How to arrive at energy democracy?

Somenergia (ESP)

Youth and Democracy in the face of the challenges of the 21st century

 European Youth Agora (EU)

The price of inequality

Orhan Galjus, Radio Patrin (NL)


17:45 - 18:00




Greens meet Changemakers - Speed dating with Green Experts

Plenary BEL


Festive Dinner - Concert - Party with Lady Djette

Hotel de la Poste




Sunday, 5.2.2017


Official Programme

Side Programme


Accreditation opens





Upcycling, d’Avent
Foyer BEL

Wake Up Singing with Zuflucht Kultur


Connecting the Struggles
Plenary BEL

Visual recap by Lara Listens
Workshops report back
Fishbowl sessions on how to build on the outcomes

What have we learnt from each other?
How can we build on this event?
Which identified issues/campaigns are the most achievable?
How can we continue to develop working relationships?


12:30 - 13:00

Closure of the European Ideas Lab - Plenary BEL
Monica Frassoni - Co-chair of the European Green Party
Julia Reda - Vice-chair of the Greens/EFA and European Pirate Party



Light lunch




European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
© European Union 2015 - EP Louise WEISS building: © Architecture Studio
European Parliament Strasbourg

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