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Event |

Stop Biometric Surveillance - Time for an EU ban on biometric mass surveillance in public spaces


Join us on May 10th, 18:30 - 20:30 CEST,  for a LIVE EVENT IN MILAN on the need to ban biometric mass surveillance.

The Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament invites you to an open event at MEET Digital Culture Center in Milan on Tuesday 10th of May at 18h30 to discuss the urgent need to ban biometric mass surveillance in the EU.

MEP Marcel Kolaja, Greens/EFA opinion rapporteur on the upcoming Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA), joins us from Brussels for an inspiring exchange with NGOs and our audience on this pressing human rights and privacy topic. (Click here to find out more about the AIA)

As part of the global uprising to ban these intrusive technologies, the Greens/EFA Group is running a campaign calling for a ban for biometric mass surveillance in public spaces in the EU. Since the use of facial recognition technology is becoming widespread, the digitization of our society is about to take a step backwards in terms of civil rights. These systems pose a risk to fundamental rights, as they enable mass and discriminatory surveillance and threaten the diverse and free society we want to live in. 

The event will be in English, and free of charge to all participants. Register online below.

Event outline:

18.30 Welcoming drinks 

19.00 Welcome to the MEET Digital Culture Center
Rosanna Di Nuzzo, MEET Digital Culture Center

19.05 European rules for artificial intelligence and biometric mass surveillance?
An insider look at the AI Act:
Pirate Party MEP Marcel Kolaja, Greens/EFA in the European Parliament

19.20  #ReclaimYourFace: Why Italy we must carry on to campaigning:
Riccardo Coluccini and Davide Del Monte, Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights 

19.30 Questions, discussions

19.40 Exclusive visit to see the work of Refik Anadol (Renaissance Dreams) with a MEET representative.

20.30 End of event




Press release
Camilo Jimenez on Unsplash
Picture of people using their smartphone
Press release

Responsible MEPs

Marcel Kolaja
Marcel Kolaja
EP Quaestor, Member

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