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Debriefing of the March plenary session

7 - 10 March 2022


  1. Council and Commission statements - The deterioration of the situation of refugees as a consequence of the Russian aggression against Ukraine
  2. Topical debate on the EU's role in a changing world and the security situation of Europe following the Russian aggression and invasion on Ukraine, with Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas
  3. Report on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation
  4. International Women's Day
  5. General Union Environment Action Programme 2030
  6. Revision of battery legislation
  7. Citizenship and residence by investment schemes
  8. EU Energy Independence
  9. Pegasus inquiry committee
  10. The need for an ambitious EU Strategy for sustainable textiles


Council and Commission statements - The deterioration of the situation of refugees as a consequence of the Russian aggression against Ukraine

On Tuesday, Members of the European Parliament debated the deterioration of the situation of refugees as a consequence of the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

The Greens/EFA Group welcomes the Council’s decision to trigger the Temporary Protection Directive and to offer swift protection to both Ukrainians and non-Ukranians fleeing Ukraine. However, we urge Member States to interpret the provisions of the Directive generously by granting an unconditional right to family reunification, and we call on the Commission to issue detailed guidelines to this end.

Tineke Strik MEP, Greens/EFA spokesperson for migration in the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee, comments:

“It is positive that the Council Decision applies not only to Ukrainian nationals, but also to people with refugee or equivalent status in Ukraine. However, the Decision does not oblige Member States to grant temporary protection status to other third country nationals unless they have a permanent Ukrainian residence permit and are unable to return safely to their country or region of origin. Given the recent news reports about minorities of African descent being turned away at the EU’s external borders, it is essential that guarantees are made to ensure all those fleeing have access to safety.”

On Thursday, Greens/EFA Vice-President Terry Reintke and MEP Viola von Cramon held a press conference on the ongoing war in Ukraine with Ukrainian MPs Maria Mezentseva, Lesia Vasylenko, Yelyzaveta Yasko and Yevheniia Kravchuk.


Topical debate on the EU's role in a changing world and the security situation of Europe following the Russian aggression and invasion on Ukraine, with Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas

On Wednesday, the European Parliament and the Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas debated the changing security situation in Europe  following Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, and the role of the European Union.

The Greens/EFA stand firmly with Ukraine. The European Union has a duty to receive people fleeing quickly and without bureaucratic hurdles and to effectively support non-EU countries like Moldova. Those fleeing war from Ukraine or repression from Russia or Belarus must find a safe haven in the EU.

Viola von Cramon, Vice-Chair of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with the Ukrainian Parliament and Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, comments:

"The Greens/EFA Group stands firmly alongside Ukraine and all those working for peace and democracy. The Russian president does not comply with any UN convention, bombs cities and targets civilians. War crimes must be urgently investigated and punished at all costs.

“We grieve with those who have lost loved ones and friends, who are wounded and fleeing war and violence. The Russian president has underestimated the bravery of Ukrainians to defend their country and commitment of the West to stand up for international law.”

Sergey Lagodinsky, Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur on Russia and substitute Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, comments:

"The Greens/EFA stand firmly with the Ukrainians. Our respect goes to all the courageous people who are raising their voices against the Russian war of aggression and propaganda campaign despite the criminal crackdown on public protest and suppression of the free press. They are defending peace, freedom and democracy and also all of us.”


Report on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation

On Thursday, MEPs voted on the final report of the special Committee on foreign interference (INGE), which looks into the role of disinformation. The report refers to evidence from several EU countries, as well as the 2016 US election and the Brexit referendum, on how global anti-democratic actors such as Russia and China continue to use nefarious tactics to undermine democracy and the rule of law. It sets out recommendations for resilience in the fight against disinformation and foreign interference, including the need for sanctions, the closing of existing policy loopholes as well as the protection of elections and areas of critical infrastructure.

Viola von Cramon, Greens/EFA Shadow Rapporteur on the Report on Foreign Interference, comments:

“It is more urgent than ever to combat disinformation. The way Russian citizens are being deceived about the aggression against Ukraine is yet more evidence of the threats disinformation poses to European societies. We need to regulate online platforms and their algorithms, and we need to raise more awareness in order to achieve resilience against foreign interference.

“Across the globe, malicious interference affects elections, social media platforms, critical infrastructures, the funding of political activities, cybersecurity and public institutions. The EU needs to make it clear that when autocratic actors attempt to undermine our democracies, there will be harsh consequences. That’s why this report is proposing a legal framework for sanctions on foreign interference.”


International Women's Day

On International Women's Day, on 8th March, the Commission published its long-awaited proposal for a Gender Based Violence (GBV) Directive. The Greens/EFA Group welcomes the proposal which marks a huge step forward in the efforts to eradicate gender based violence in the EU.

Our Group have long campaigned for a Directive wherein GBV is understood as all forms of violence against women and girls and LGBTIQ+ people on the grounds of gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sex characteristics. We called on the Commission to criminalise all forms of gender based violence, including, among others, femicide, intimate partner violence, sexual harassment, cyber violence, rape, early and forced marriage. The Istanbul Convention should be the minimum standard for Member States.

The Parliament also debated the bi-annual report on Gender Mainstreaming within the European Parliament, for which Greens/EFA MEP Gwendoline Delbos Corfield is rapporteur. This report assesses the Parliament's functioning in relation to gender equality and makes recommendations for improvement. It is time for a real political commitment, with concrete targets, to ensure gender mainstreaming in the EP. The Greens/EFA have successfully pushed for gender balanced lists in the electoral law, mandatory training for MEPs on prevention against harassment, and a call to recognise maternity, paternity and parental leave for Members in the final report.

In addition, this week Members of the European Parliament voted on the External Gender Action Plan III report.


General Union Environment Action Programme 2030

On Wednesday, MEPs debated and voted on the outcome of the trilogue negotiations on the General Union Environment Action Programme to 2030 (the ‘8th EAP’). The legally binding 8th EAP sets the direction for EU environmental and climate policy action until 2030, building on the European Green Deal and laying down the conditions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. With Grace O’Sullivan MEP as rapporteur, the Greens/EFA Group have delivered on a programme that will help catalyse and monitor systemic change towards a sustainable wellbeing economy.


Revision of battery legislation

On Thursday, the European Parliament voted on the EU regulation on batteries and waste batteries which ensures that batteries circulating in the EU market become more sustainable. The Greens/EFA successfully pushed for the requirement for battery manufacturers to calculate and report on the carbon footprint, performance and durability of their batteries, allowing consumers to choose from higher quality batteries. The proposal further foresees significantly higher recycling targets and a right to repair for consumers. The Greens/EFA also ensured that the regulation includes ambitious human rights and environmental due diligence provisions for the battery value chain.


Citizenship and residence by investment schemes

On Thursday, MEPs called for a phase out of the sale of European passports and the regulation of golden visas. Golden passport and visa schemes are “citizenship and residence by investment” programmes that have been used by several Member States over the last few years, including Malta, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and Portugal. Limited oversight and poor accountability leads to inherent security and corruption risks. The Greens/EFA Group have long called for the Commission to take action to ban these schemes through better regulating residency by investment programmes and phasing out golden passports.

Saskia Bricmont MEP, Greens/EFA Member of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee, comments:

“Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine has brought the case of Russian politicians and oligarchs purchasing luxury goods, homes, and passports in Europe under the spotlight. The system of golden passports and visas carries with it inherent risks of tax evasion, corruption and money laundering. For too long oligarchs, criminals and corrupt politicians have had the ability to buy their way into Europe and launder their cash, image and identities.”

Ernest Urtasun MEP, Greens/EFA Vice President and Member of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, comments:

“We welcome sanctions against oligarchs linked to Putins’ regime, but the EU must go all the way and shut down all avenues that facilitate corrupt politicians and kleptocrats' activities in Europe. The first step must be to phase out golden passports. But then the EU must, once and for all, end tax evasion, clamp down on shell companies, confiscate oligarchs’ assets and set up an asset recovery registry, and improve anti-money laundering standards.”


Rising energy prices and market manipulation on the gas market

On Tuesday, the European Parliament debated the urgent need for the EU to secure energy independence, following the European Commission’s Communication on "Joint European Action for more affordable, secure and sustainable energy". The Greens/EFA Group has called on the Commission to urgently accelerate the switch to 100% renewable energy. EU Member States need to reduce their dependence on Russian gas and oil and invest massively in renewable energies to build up energy sovereignty.

Ville Niinistö, Greens/EFA Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, comments:

"Putin's war shows us how urgently the European Union needs to achieve energy independence. It is in the EU’s hands to decide whether it will remain energy dependent on despotic rulers. We call on the Commission to massively accelerate the move to one hundred percent renewable energy.

Bas Eickhout, Greens/EFA Vice-Chair of the Environment Committee, comments:

''Energy policy is security policy. A united and energy-independent EU derails Putin’s imperial power fantasies. We must make ourselves independent from coal, oil and gas and invest massively in renewable energies. The Commission sent an ambitious message today, but unfortunately lacks any concrete measures related to renewables and energy efficiency.”


Pegasus inquiry committee

On Wednesday, MEPs voted to set up an inquiry committee into the Pegasus spyware scandal, following the revelations on the use of illegal and abusive cyber surveillance against lawyers, politicians, activists and human rights defenders - including in the EU by Member States. The Greens/EFA Group have called for an inquiry committee to look into the extent of these practices, establish which countries may be using such tools and to better protect people against cyber surveillance.


The need for an ambitious EU Strategy for sustainable textiles

On Thursday, the European Parliament debated the urgent need for the EU to develop a new strategy for sustainable textile. The Greens/EFA strongly believe that a more ambitious approach is essential to cope with the textiles sector's significant impacts on our climate and environment.

Alice Bah Kuhnke, Greens/EFA Member of Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee, commented:

"The textile sector has a significant impact on the climate, the environment and human rights. That is precisely why we need rules and guidelines on how to reduce all the negative effects that are currently a fact of life.

We have tried to influence the Commission to present a holistic approach, which the sector's stakeholders are demanding. We have done everything to ensure that you come up with binding proposals, not continue to leave the door open to arbitrariness. We have presented figures and facts on discrimination and human rights violations in the industry that we could take steps away from.”



Greens/EFA motions for resolution

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Next issue of Greens/EFA Plenary debriefing: 8 April 2022


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