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Regulatory Cooperation In TTIP

What does it mean for the future of our food and democracy?

Report from the discussion with Sharon Treat on US legislators' perspectives on the ongoing TTIP negotiations on regulatory cooperation for food policies 

On 14th April as we approached the  Global Action Day on TTIP, MEPs from across the political spectrum welcomed Sharon Treat[i], a US lawyer with a degree in public and international policy from Princeton University, working on trade, environment and food policy. In July 2014, Sharon Treat already met with MEPs from different political groups to discuss how US state legislators share many of their perspectives when it comes to issues of organic and sustainable agriculture, promoting farm to school, and protecting pollinators.

She has now been invited back, this time in Brussels, to discuss US legislators' perspectives on the ongoing TTIP negotiations on regulatory cooperation for food policies.

Watch More on Sharon Treat's message in our video 



[i] Sharon Treat serves on the Maine Citizen Trade Policy Commission. She has been a US state legislator for 22 years, serving in both the Maine House and Senate, where she sponsored trade policy legislation on procurement and also chaired the environment, trade and judiciary committees. She also has worked for the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators (NCEL) on TTIP issues, which has over 1,000 members in US state legislatures who are in both Democratic and Republican parties.


 Read the full report of this event here :


European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
Danger pesticides sign in a field / Pgiam istock
Danger pesticides sign in a field / Pgiam istock

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