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Position Paper |

Our demands for a European framework on minimum wages

A Greens/EFA position paper

We need a European framework directive setting thresholds for decent adequate minimum wages in the Member States.

The EU already acts indirectly on wages, due to the European Economic Policy and its impact. We are facing a downward pressure on labour markets, wage setting and the economy, creating unfair wage competition. In-work poverty is a big problem in Europe. If we want a social Europe, we need to make sure everyone earns a wage you can live on - a living wage.

In this period of covid-19, the labour market is severely impacted and Europe must show its ambition for social progress by effectively fighting against precariousness and in-work poverty. It is up to us to maintain a political debate, beyond the technical debate.

Decent minimum wages can be a tool that allows Europe to progress and promote prosperity between member states rather than competition and a race to the bottom. It is a tool in the fight against unfair competition and wage dumping.


European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Mounir Satouri
Mounir Satouri

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