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Press release |

CIA rendition and illegal detention

EP calls for proper accountability for CIA abuses in EU member states

The European Parliament today adopted a report highlighting new evidence of secret detention centres and extraordinary 'renditions' by the CIA in EU member states (1). The report, which comes 5 years after an original special inquiry by the EU Parliament (2), highlights these new abuses - notably regarding Romania, Poland and Lithuania, but also in the UK and other countries - as well as making recommendations to ensure proper accountability. After the vote, EP rapporteur/draftsperson and Green MEP Hélène Flautre stated:

"The EP has again shone the spotlight on serious human rights abuses by the CIA in the EU and, in doing so, kept the pressure on to ensure these abuses are finally addressed. 5 years on from the original investigations into CIA abuses in the EU and, despite new evidence of violations surfacing, proper accountability or redress remains outstanding in many member states and at EU level. A large majority of MEPs has today supported my recommendations for concrete ways by which the EU's institutions and governments should improve the accountability process.

"Despite considerable pressure from different national and other interests, seeking to keep a lid on the latest revelations, the report adopted today remains a clear and strong indictment of these abuses. This new evidence of extraordinary renditions, illegal detention centres, torture and other abuses are shocking and cannot simply be brushed under the carpet.

"The report calls for the affected EU member states to launch independent investigations into the abuses and to follow up the findings with clear action. The European Commission should also follow up on this and coordinate the investigation of these systematic abuses at EU level. The Council should openly acknowledge that these abuses took place and take measures to address them. For its part, the European Parliament must be vigilant and ensure member states and EU institutions finally take action."

(1) The European Parliament today adopted the report by Green draftsperson Hélène Flautre on CIA abuses with no amendments. The report voted on today can be accessed at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=REPORT&reference=A7-2012-0266&language=EN

(2) See the Green press release issued on the adoption of the final report of the original inquiry in 2007: http://archive.greens-efa.eu/cms/pressreleases/dok/168/168930.ep_cia_inquiry@en.htm


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European Parliament Strasbourg
© European Union 2015 - EP Louise WEISS building: © Architecture Studio
European Parliament Strasbourg

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