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Clear mandate for Commission would help EU to 'speak with one voice' in UN climate talks

EU Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard today presents to the European Parliament the Commission's proposals for reinvigorating the UN climate talks following the disappointment in Copenhagen in December. Commenting on the Commission's proposals, Green MEP Bas Eickhout said:

"Ensuring a more unified and coherent European presence in the UN climate negotiations is clearly a top priority after the EU's shambolic performance in Copenhagen. Much has been said about the need for the EU to 'speak with one voice'; there is a need to make this rhetoric a reality as soon as possible, given the UN climate negotiations are set to get back on track in April.

"It is certainly welcome that the Commission, under new Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard, wants to step up and take on this mantle. This is the most logical way for the EU to play a positive and proactive role in reinvigorating the UN talks."

Finnish Green MEP Satu Hassi commented:

"It is regrettable that ambitions are already being scaled-back for concluding a binding deal at this year's UN talks in Cancun. A binding UN climate deal remains the overriding goal and, clearly, expectation management is important but this must not be at the expense of our ambition. Instead of focusing on what is not possible, the EU should redouble its efforts to try and promote meaningful and ambitious global action. Prolonged procrastination will only push us closer to the brink of dangerous climate change.

"Clearly, the other major outstanding issues also still remain. Upping the EU's emissions pledge to an unconditional 30% reduction would also be a major step towards 'reinvograting global action on climate change' and the sooner EU governments do so, the better. It is also essential that they start delivering on their promises to provide new and additional fast-track climate financing for developing countries this year."


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