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EU must impose arms embargo and targeted sanctions


The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament is calling for an immediate ban on arms exports to Turkey, targeted sanctions and a review of European Investment Bank projects following the government's military operation in Syria. The European Parliament resolution on the initiative of the Greens/EFA Group will be voted on tomorrow (Thursday 24 October) and a large majority is expected. 


Tineke Strik MEP, Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur on the European Parliament's Turkey resolution, comments:

"The European Union must show President Erdogan that his actions have consequences and agree on an immediate arms embargo and targeted economic sanctions. De-escalation and the protection of the civilian population against war crimes and ethnic cleansing must be the top priority. This includes an increased European effort to protect Syrian refugees. We therefore urge the Member States to increase the number of resettlements of Syrian refugees to the EU and to refrain from their returns to Turkey."

"Those responsible for the suffering in Syria must not go unpunished. National interests over refugees or arms export policy must not lead to EU Member States allowing themselves to be played off against one another. Only by working together will the EU have a chance of helping to bring peace to the conflict."


Alice Bah Kuhnke MEP, Greens/EFA member of the European Parliament delegation to Turkey, added:

"The Turkish government's invasion of Syria is clearly contrary to international law. There can be no military solution to the conflict, the principles of international law must be applied and any political resolution to the Syrian conflict must be within a UN-led framework. We must urgently ensure that the rights of the Kurds are safeguarded and enforced in the context of a new power constellation in Northern Syria.

"It is clear that the European Union must make more effective use of all means available in the foreign policy. As an important trading partner for Turkey, the EU must make use of its economic clout, review lending by the European Investment Bank and halt all arms exports."


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European Parliament Strasbourg
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Mahmoud Sulaiman (Unsplash)
Let’s support Syrians in rebuilding
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Responsible MEPs

Alice Kuhnke
Alice Kuhnke
Tineke Strik
Tineke Strik

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