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Press release |

Parliament wants EU to slash material use and consumption

Circular Economy

Today (9 February), the European Parliament will vote on the Parliament's position the European Commissions' New Circular Economy Action Plan, a main pillar of the Green Deal. The Action Plan consists of 35 measures, including: Legislative proposals for a new sustainable product policy framework, sustainable production and better waste management of batteries, and a proposal for general waste reduction. The Greens/EFA group are calling for binding targets to reduce the use of resources, the right to repair, and a digital product passport that should inform consumers on the reparability, and legal measures to prevent premature obsolescence.

Margrete Auken MEP, Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur in the Committee of Environment, Public Health and Food Safety comments:
"We urgently need a real circular economy. Europe's over-consumption is rampant, we're using resources as if we had almost three planets. The Parliament is calling for binding EU targets to reduce our environmental footprint. To be sustainable, the circular economy must be free from toxic substances and work within planetary boundaries. Longer product life spans, the absence of hazardous substances and the re-usage of products must be the start of a transition from a 'throw-away society' towards better protection of the environment and the climate.  
"We must move away from our dependence on infinite growth and towards an economy where well-being and respect for planetary boundaries are treated as two sides of the same coin. We need more analyses, models and concrete examples of how people and society can thrive in a truly circular economy, where nature is respected. The Greens/EFA group are calling for the EU to half its material and consumption footprints by 2030."

Main demands:


  • Linking of the Circular Economy with the goal of zero harmful substances
  • Binding 2030 EU-Targets for a significant reduction in material use
  • Sustainability principles and product-specific standards for the performance, durability, reparability and recyclability
  • Right to repair with access to spare parts, instructions and affordable repair services
  • Digital product passport providing information on the reparability, the social and ecological footprint and a complete traceability of the value chain
  • Information on reparability and durability to prevent green-washing and false marketing promises
  • Legal measures against intentionally reduced lifespan of products ("premature obsolescence")



Press release
Due Diligance Directive
Picture of a windmill
Windmill in a landscape
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Margrete Auken
Margrete Auken

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