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European Parliament clears the way for better charging infrastructure for e-cars and more energy efficiency


Today, Members of the European Parliament adopted three files included in the "Fit-for-55" climate package, as well as its position on the Industrial Emissions Directive. The adoption of the European Parliament's position on the Industrial Emissions Directive, the main EU instrument to regulate pollutant emissions from industrial plants, allows the trilogue negotiations to begin. 

Bas Eickhout, Greens/EFA MEP and Vice-Chair of the Environment committee, comments:

"With today's votes on the Fit For 55 files we are getting closer to the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 per cent by 2030. For shipping, the phase-out of fossil fuels and the introduction of more climate-friendly fuels is finally on its way. 

"With the reform of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation, the EU is ensuring that motorists can drive their electric vehicles without worry and can also pay and compare charging prices conveniently. Charging should be as easy as refuelling. We have agreed on ambitious targets to decarbonise freight transport. Alternative freight infrastructure is particularly important to achieve the Fit for 55 line."

“More energy efficiency means more climate protection, a successful energy transition and more energy sovereignty. With the new Energy Efficiency Directive, the EU will save roughly as much energy by 2030 as Spain would consume in the same period. Energy efficiency will be the top priority in the future. For the first time, data centres will be included in the scope of the directive and binding measures to combat energy poverty will be created.  

"The European Parliament has failed to adapt the new Industrial Emissions Directive to the challenges of the climate crisis. Under pressure from the European People's Party, industrial farms, which are responsible for air pollution and climate-damaging methane emissions, will continue to be exempt from emission reduction commitments." 

The Greens/EFA Group's Fit-for-55 live blog can be followed here


The trilogue result for the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive ensures the expansion of public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. On the Energy Efficiency Directive, the Greens/EFA group successfully pushed through a binding EU energy efficiency target of 11.7 percent by 2030 in the trilogue negotiations. The directive now also includes rules for data centres and comprehensive obligations for the renovation of public buildings. With "FuelEU Maritime", the European Union is launching the world's first law for alternative fuels in international maritime shipping.


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© European Union 2015 - EP Louise WEISS building: © Architecture Studio
European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout

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