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Green Deal key to EU competitive success

Competitiveness Compass

Today, the European Commission presented its Competitiveness Compass, which sets out economic policy priorities for the current mandate, including  a series of measures across innovation support, the decarbonisation of key industries and security of supplies. The aim is to increase the competitiveness of EU companies vis-à-vis China and the US. 

Bas Eickhout MEP, President of the Greens/EFA Group, comments:

“We welcome the Commission’s aim to make the EU more competitive with decarbonisation playing a leading role. The Green Deal is our competitive advantage as it delivers on the green transition and future proofs our economy. The Clean Industrial Deal proposal, due at the end of February, will be a key test.

“We have concerns that the Compass is too narrowly focused on CO2 reduction alone and not on protecting nature. Inaction on environmental protection and reducing pollution will stymie our competitiveness and growth if it continues to be ignored. 

“Unfortunately, the Compass reduces social elements to skills only, while we need concrete measures to ensure a just transition. Workers and companies cannot be left alone to prepare for the jobs of the future. 

“We support simplification as a tool to make peoples’ lives easier, but not as a byword for deregulation aimed at gutting environmental regulations.  

If the EU is to provide business certainty, then the Commission must not completely reopen previously adopted sustainability legislation in the Omnibus proposal also due in February.”

Terry Reintke MEP, President of the Greens/EFA Group, comments:

"We welcome a clear course for boosting the European economy and for competitiveness. Without placing the Green Deal at the core of the initiatives under the Compass, the Commission President's flagship policy could risk sinking under the weight of far-right pressure to abandon ship on vital climate policies.  

"The European economy needs investment in scaling up green technologies for the transition and transport infrastructure and in building a circular economy. The EU requires an adequate budget with a new instrument for borrowing to match the needs of our economy and other challenges we face. 

“The EPP will create uncertainty for companies in their knee-jerk demands for deregulation. Whereas we want to work with companies to see where simplifications make sense for businesses to thrive. 

"The energy transition towards renewables will stop our dependence on despots and fossil fuels, create energy security and keep energy prices low. The energy transition will turbo-charge job creation, with 25 million new jobs over the next five years.”


The Clean Industrial Deal and Omnibus package are both expected to be announced by the Commission on the 26th of February. 

The initiatives announced under the Competitiveness Compass cover: The promotion of start-ups and the internal market, artificial intelligence, affordable energy, the circular economy, joint procurement of defence equipment and raw materials, the Clean Industrial Deal and the Omnibus packages to reduce bureaucracy, as well as the multi-year financial framework from 2028 and a fund and mechanism for greater competitiveness. 

Green jobs: Success and opportunities 


Responsible MEPs

Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout
Terry Reintke
Terry Reintke

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