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Greens/EFA statement regarding media reporting

In light of recent media reports, the Greens/EFA Group have prepared the following statement:

The Greens/EFA Group will not tolerate harassment and/or inappropriate behaviour of any kind and we take these allegations extremely seriously. Our Group is the leading force when it comes to fighting for stronger anti-harassment measures to be put in place in the European Parliament to protect individuals and to ensure that any form of harassment or inappropriate behaviour is stamped out. 

In addition to the formal European Parliament Anti-Harassment Procedure, and under the leadership of the co-Presidents Terry Reintke and Philippe Lamberts, and following the advice of external experts, the Group has updated its internal anti-harassment policy and made it mandatory for its members and staff to follow anti-harassment training. The new policy was voted on by the Group on 8 November 2023. It includes the potential setting up of an inquiry mechanism, in the instance of an official procedure, which may result in imposing sanctions and is composed of external experts. Complaints procedures are now also open to Accredited Parliamentary Assistants and interns. 

Our aim is that with an external inquiry, potential victims will be and feel more secure and able to come forward with their complaints. The Greens/EFA Group makes all staff and MEPs aware of its anti-harassment policy when they enter in the group and are informed as and when policies change. The Greens/EFA Group firmly believes in the right for individuals to speak up on cases of wrongdoing or misconduct. It should be noted that an investigation cannot be initiated in the absence of a formal complaint, according to the applicable rules. 

The Greens/EFA Group also has support systems in place for all staff, including MEPs’ assistants and interns, who may be affected by mistreatment or any other form of harassment. This includes Confidential Counsellors, who have gone through external training, Ombudspersons and the ability to seek psychological support. 

In addition, the Greens/EFA Group has a policy for the Group’s larger external events, which foresees the presence of an Harassment Prevention Team, composed of trained Group's staff and MEPs’ assistants.

For confidentiality reasons and for the protection of any potential victims or witnesses, we cannot confirm or deny if there are any ongoing procedures. The Group is bound by the principle of confidentiality, as established under the Staff Regulations and internal Parliamentary rules.


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Photo by Marko Blažević on Unsplash
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©European Union 2024 - Source : EP
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