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Press release |

Homosexual rights in Lithuania

EP calls on Lithuania to reconsider proposed homophobic law

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution expressing its concern at proposed legal provisions in Lithuania, which would introduce fines for the 'promotion' of homosexuality (1). The Greens have criticised the proposals and welcome the strong message sent by the EP calling on Lithuania to reconsider the proposals. After the vote, Austrian MEP and co-president of the EP's LGBT intergroup Ulrike Lunacek said:

"The EP has sent a strong message to Lithuania today to reconsider its plans to introduce penalties for 'promoting' homosexuality. This draconian proposal has no place in an EU founded on fundamental rights. We welcome that an overwhelming majority of MEPs has clearly stated that the EU must defend basic rights for all its citizens - including lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people - in all member states.

"Information is crucial to deconstructing prejudices, while banning information about sexual orientation creates a situation of fear in which uninformed prejudice and hatred can prevail. EU member states have a duty to ensure their citizens are informed and the prejudices against minority groups are not allowed to take hold.

"We also welcome the call by the EP for the European Commission to set out a roadmap with concrete measures against homophobia and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. This will be a crucial tool in defending and advancing LGBT equality and rights in Europe."

(1) The proposal to amend the Lithuanian Code of Administrative Offences, would introduce penalties for the ‘public promotion of homosexual relations’, with fines from €580 up to €2,900.


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© European Union 2021 - Source : EP
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Responsible MEPs

Ulrike Lunacek
Ulrike Lunacek
EP Vice-President, Member

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