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Election outcome gives hope for Turkish democracy

Commenting on the results of Sunday's parliamentary election in Turkey, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said:

"This vote gives hope for democracy and human rights in Turkey. After the dramatic lurch by Turkish president Erdogan away from basic democratic norms and values in the recent past, notably his clampdown against media freedom, this vote shows that an important section of Turkish society is not willing to accept this. This vote is a democratic rebuke to Erdogan's course and, as such, he is the loser. Not only has the AKP failed to secure a majority but the HDP has entered parliament for the first time thanks to its adoption of a progressive programme, which appealed beyond its Kurdish base."

Green foreign policy and Turkey spokesperson Bodil Ceballos added:

"The EU must now do much more to proactively promote democracy and human rights. The EU accession process provides an important platform to this end and the EU must now open negotiations on chapters 23 and 24, which have direct relevance for these issues. The EU must send a signal to those in Turkish society who are pushing for democratic reform that they can count on Europe's support. The European Parliament will vote on its annual report on Turkey's progress this week and MEPs must use this vote to send a signal along these lines to Turkey."


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Due Diligance Directive
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Ilaria Salis
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Responsible MEPs

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
Bodil Valero
Bodil Valero

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