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Nuclear power plant Mochovce

Greenpeace files a complaint against the Slovakian government

With false arguments, the Slovak government and the Italian energy group ENEL discard the obligation to carry out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the completion of the reactors 3 and 4 in Mochovce. The argument that the building permit had been given already in 1986 and would therefore not be subject to the current legislation is absurd.

The European legislation and also judgments of the European Court of Justice make it clear that the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) must also be carried out in projects whose permission was given before the corresponding laws entered into force, if considerable variations are planned. Since the building permit was given in 1986 in the communist Slovakia and the planned resumption of the building in the EU-member Slovakia a lot has changed. The Soviet reactors started in the 1970s in Mochovce can not be completed without decisive variations of the original construction plans. Even with comprehensive retrofittings, the reactors 3 and 4 in Mochovce will never be able to correspond to the current state of the technology.


© Christian Kaufmann
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