

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Prolonging the life of Chernobyl-type nuclear reactors

With most of the Chernobyl-type nuclear power plants in Russia having received or in the process of receiving licenses to prolong their operation for up to 20 years, Greens/EFA energy spokesperson Rebecca Harms MEP is organising a public hearing 'Another Chernobyl waiting to happen?', in cooperation...
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Green electricity

The Commission has recently warned Luxembourg against its policy to compensate customers for higher-priced green electricity through its system of feed-in tariffs.The transboundary application of these measures is considered to be market distortion!
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Publication |

Another Chernobyl waiting to happen?

An open hearing entitled "Another Chernobyl waiting to happen" will take place in the European Parliament on Thursday 5th October. It is organised by Green MEP, Rebecca Harms, and The Bellona Foundation.
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Energy efficiency action plan

Today Commission President Barroso and Energy Commissioner Piebalgs meet to decide on the publication date of this plan. It was set to be adopted this week but has been delayed in a scandalous way. The MEPs' letter asks the Commission to keep the foreseen schedule.
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Global temperature change

The National Academy of Sciences of the USA published a study on September 26th which shows that the two last decades where the hottest over the last 12 000 years!
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Book presentation

When: Wednesday 27 September at 3pm Where: Room S2.2, Louise Weiss Building, European Parliament, Strasbourg Media representatives are invited to attend the presentation of a new book which chronicles thirty onepersonal stories from the stateless people of Latvia who number some 400,000 in tota...
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Publication |

Common immigration policy

A coherent European immigration policy can only be successful if linked to an integration policy to secure the integration of migrants into the labour market, access to schools and education, social and health services and access to social, cultural and political participation
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Sudan (Darfur)

The Greens/EFA Group calls upon the Government of Sudan to accept a UN peacekeeping force in Darfur to achieve a lasting peace and on all parties to implement the Abuja agreement, which provides for the disarmament of the Darfur rebels as well as the Janjaweed militia. It urges the Sudanese authorities to end impunity and immediately to b…
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Vehicle emissions

While tomorrow 22 September, the EU will organize its "car-free" day, California launched a legal offensive against six of the world's biggest carmakers, saying their vehicles add to global warming and cost the state billions of dollars to fight pollution and erosion.
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Visit to Askola (uranium mining project in Finland)

The Greens/EFA group hosted a two-day seminar in Helsinki during the Finnish Presidency of the EU, from 20-21 September, with the debate focusing on energy issues and how to achieve a safe and secure future for energy in Europe.In advance of the opening session of the seminar, Greens/EFA MEPs took t...