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EFA MEPS show their support to the people of Peru

EFA MEPs Jordi Solé and Ana Miranda intervened in plenary today to send their solidarity to the Peruvian people and denounce the government's repressive response to the mass demonstrations that took place mainly between December and March.

Since the beginning of  2023 Peru has been suffering from daily violence, protests and roadblocks, a crisis that began in December last year after former President Pedro Castillo was detained after trying to dissolve the Congress. 

“Peru has been in a permanent institutional, political and social crisis for many years. But the latest crisis, following the arrest of President Castillo for his intention to dissolve Congress, unleashed uncontrolled repression by the government with an unacceptable toll in human lives.” MEP Solé said. 

“We are very concerned about the human rights situation in Peru. In the light of reports of violent repression, killings and arbitrary arrests, torture and disappearance of demonstrators, attacks on the rights of the Aymara and Quechua indigenous population, and harassment of human rights defenders and journalists. “ MEP Miranda added. 

The crisis in Peru has caused the death of around 70 people and has injured thousands. According to the National Human Rights Coordinator, 46 of these deaths occurred in the first 50 days of the protests and were due to the direct use of force by the police and armed forces.

Both MEPs Miranda and Solé raised their concerns over the “unacceptable human toll” this repression is causing and how the authoritarian attitude from the government is putting at risk the democracy of the country. Both asked for a thorough and independent investigation into the excessive use of force and human rights violations.

“ We express our concern about the regressive legislative offensive being carried out by the Peruvian authorities at a time when the legitimacy of the institutions is questioned by the majority of the population. For the decisions of the Constitutional Court that favour the Congress, affecting the balance of powers.” Ana Miranda joined. 

Jordi Solé, EFA Group President and Ana Miranda, EFA MEP called for transparent and advanced elections, for the promotion of a dialogue with all sectors involved in the protests, a dialogue that should be supported by the EU as well as a guaranteed fair trial for former President Castillo. 

“The protesters are not only calling for the reinstatement of President Castillo - whom some have never forgiven for a humble rural teacher winning an election - but also for an improvement in their living conditions; an end to the huge inequalities; to the racism entrenched in parts of society; and to discrimination against indigenous peoples.” Jordi Solé said.

“We call on the EU Delegation in Peru to make field visits to the provinces most affected by the repression, to maintain a dialogue with civil society organisations and to continue to publicly support dialogue and an end to the violence.” MEP Miranda said.

“We also ask that the ousted President be guaranteed the right to a fair trial. Finally, we call on the Peruvian authorities to guarantee fair, free and transparent general elections under international observation as soon as possible.” MEP Solé concluded


Press release
Press release
Offshore wind farm / CC0 Nicholas Doherty
Offshore wind farm / CC0 Nicholas Doherty

Responsible MEPs

Ana Miranda
Ana Miranda
Jordi Solé
Jordi Solé

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