

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

Intellectual property enforcement

The European Parliament today voted to adopt a non-legislative resolution on intellectual property enforcement in the EU (*). The Greens/EFA group (which had co-sponsored an alternative resolution that failed to pass) voted against the final resolution, as it failed to distinguish between counterfei...
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Press release |

Sakharov Prize

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament decided last night to propose Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence (1) for this year's Sakharov Prize (2). After the decision, Greens/EFA co-president Dany Cohn-Benditsaid: "In nominating 'Breaking the Silence', the Greens/EFA group wants to recognise...
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Press release |

Pakistan readmission agreement

The European Parliament today approved an EU 'readmission agreement' with Pakistan, providing for the return of Pakistani citizens from EU member states to Pakistan. The Greens opposed the agreement and raised their concerns about EU readmission agreements in general, which ignore whether the receiv...
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Press release |

Passenger data (PNR)

The European Commission today presented its 'PNR Package' setting out its policy on the exchange of passenger name records with third countries and agreements with the US, Australia and Canada. The Greens criticised the proposals, with German Green MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht responding: "Today's ...
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News |

Strasbourg Flash

Priorities for a busy session include new EU laws on European financial supervision, security of gas supply, biocides and medicinal products. Readmission agreements, aviation emissions, biodiversity protection and IP enforcement also feature as highlights.
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Press release |

MEPs statement on ETA announcement

A group of Members of the European Parliament have released a statement calling for the European Union and the Spanish and French governments to seize the historic opportunities presented by ETA's recent announcement of a cessation to armed activity.Several MEPs set up the Basque Friendship Group in...
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Event |

A new mandate for FRONTEX

Frontex has caused numerous concerns and criticisms on human rights. Nevertheless, the proposal of the Commission plans to reinforce the powers of Frontex through a new mandate. Under the Lisbon treaty, what should be the legal framework for an effective compliance with EU law and fundamental rights?
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Press release |

Roma expulsions

EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding today criticised the ongoing expulsion of Roma people by the French authorities, the first time the European Commission has explicitly criticised France. The Commissioner also raised the threat of legal action against France. Reacting to the Commission's shift ...
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Press release |

Real democratisation in Turkey still a long way off

Last weekend a referendum took place in Turkey over the reform of 26 articles of the Turkish constitution. This is part of Ankara's aim of placing Turkey on a more European path. N-VA and EFA MEP Frieda Brepoels has described the referendum as a missed opportunity. Brepoels said: "The constitut...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Priorities for the Greens/EFA group this week include Thursday's European Council, as well as EU Commission legislative proposals on derivatives and short selling.