
Read our position papers, our studies, our statements and policy papers

Position papers include all papers formally adopted by our Group and thus representing our official position on major issues. Policy papers gather all briefings, brochures, statements from working groups or other Group bodies which have not been submitted to a vote but reflect a more technical position on specific topics. Studies are reports commissioned to experts and are accompanied most of the time with our political recommendations. For information and transparency purposes, we also publish here all Group letters sent to the other institutions or representatives

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Legal note on establishing an instrument contributing to stability and peace

There is no doubt about the interplay of development and security, or the importance of capacity building and cooperation with the security sector actors, in particular in fragile and conflict-affected third countries. However, the choice of legal basis must be based on Treaty provisions and the true centre of gravity of proposed actions,…
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Letter to the European Patent Office

Today and tomorrow (27.-28.07.17), the European Patent office will discuss the patenting of "natural" seeds. Two resolutions of the European parliament, an opinion by the Council and a legal notice by the Commission all asked the EPO to stop this practice which is not allowed by the European regulation. Since 2014, EPO has been letting…
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Future of Cohesion policy post-2020

The Greens/EFA are in favour of a strong, autonomous and targeted cohesion policy. Cohesion policy should remain an expression of solidarity and make a meaningful contribution to the future of Europe.
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The feasibility of associate EU citizenship for UK citizens postBrexit

This report has five principal findings on the protection of the status of Union citizenship and the related rights post-Brexit. First, the key question as to providing this protection is whether Union Citizenship continues post-Brexit, or whether Brexit extinguishes Citizenship. The report consider...
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Migrants © Samuel Aranda
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Stop blocking Dublin reform and open legal channels for migrants and refugees

The S&D and Greens/EFA groups in the European Parliament have sent a joint open letter to European Council President, Donald Tusk, and the Heads of States and Governments, ahead of the next European Council meeting on 22/23 June, asking for immediate action to reform the Dublin Agreement and open legal channels for migrants and refugees.
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Q&A on the Effort Sharing Regulation

The ‘Effort Sharing Regulation’ (ESR) sets binding national emission reduction targets for 2021-2030 for road transport, buildings, agriculture and waste. These sectors represent around 60% of EU greenhouse gas emissions. But will it meet the EU's Paris Climate Agreement commitments?
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Images_of_Money | CC BY 2.0
Money Laundering
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Letter to European Commission on money laundering allegations in Malta

The European Commission must to look into these serious allegations and open an infringement procedure against Malta if deemed necessary.
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Follow-up of the Panama Papers and the rule of law in Malta

The Panama Papers has been a blow on Malta’s reputation to fight anti-money laundering and enable tax dumping, with revelations by the ICIJ consortium in April 2016 that politically exposed members of the Maltese government owned shell companies in tax havens. This briefing looks at the revelations and sets out key asks of the Greens/EFA …
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Panama Papers investigation: obstruction and lack of cooperation hinder progress

One year into the investigation of the Panama Papers, we look at what has been learned so far, and what needs to be done to deliver tax justice.
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Nuclear power in Europe

More than half of Europe´s nuclear power plants (NPP) have been operating for more than 30 years. As they get older, NPPs become riskier: the material becomes brittle and security standards become outdated. While security relevant components may fail at any time and not all materials can be exchanged, thereby increasing the frequency of i…