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What's coming up in Parliament

Clean Energy Package
Monday 12 17:00

The Clean Energy Package for more renewables, greater energy efficiency and a legally binding roadmap for the Paris climate targets, which was steered by Greens/EFA MEPs, will be debated by MEPs on Monday 12 November and Tuesday 13 November. MEPs will vote on the outcome of the negotiations with the Council and the European Commission. The aim is to achieve a limit of 1.5c for global warming that the IPCC are calling for. The Governance Regulation, led by two Greens/EFA MEPs, is the flagship report for climate, energy, industry and transport policy for decades to come and will provide new instruments to tackle manmade climate change. The renewables report would see a renewables target of 32.5% by 2030 and the efficiency report significant energy savings in the next decade.

More: Europe is taking a step in the right direction  Modest success on targets but key decisions pushed back to 2023 Paris Agreement now enshrined in EU law


Emissions from Trucks and other heavy Duty vehicles
Debate Wednesday 14 09:00, vote Thursday 15

The recent IPCC report on climate change showed how the transport sector is one of the most polluting contributors to climate change and must contribute to cutting down on emissions if we are to avoid climate catastrophe. Members of the Environment Committee (ENVI) of the European Parliament are calling for stricter CO2 standards for trucks and other heavy commercial vehicles with emissions to be reduced by 20% by 2025 and by 35% by 2030. The European Commission is calling for savings of just 15% by 2025 and 30% by 2030, in its proposal for a regulation on "CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles". The ENVI Committee has followed the call of Greens/EFA rapporteur Bas Eickhout to offer manufacturers greater incentives for the production of cleaner trucks.

More: Making polluters responsible for climate protection


Future of Europe debate with Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
Tuesday 13 15:00

Continuing the European Parliament's Future of Europe series, Chancellor Angela Merkel will give a speech to the plenary on Tuesday. In these tumultuous times Merkel seems unwilling to show leadership on climate change, energy transition and the Eurozone. Greens/EFA President, Ska Keller, will participate in the debate on the future of Europe with the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. 

More: Future of Europe debates calendar


Romania rule of law resolution
Vote Tuesday 14

Following on from mass protests against rampant corruption in Romania, the European Parliament will vote on a resolution, based on an initiative of the Greens/EFA group, which calls on Romanian authorities to counter any measures which would decriminalise corruption in office, apply the national anti-corruption strategy, as well as improve the situation for media freedom and strengthen the rule of law in the country.

More: Draft resolution


Multiannual Financial Framework
Debate Tuesday 13 09:00, vote Wednesday 14 12.00

The on-going negotiations over the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) of the EU will enter in a new phase next week when the Parliament will vote on its complete and detailed positon and a series of reforms to the EU's budget, including on the Common Agricultural Policy, cohesion, Research, Erasmus, Youth, own resources and by mainstreaming Sustainable Development Goals, the climate and the gender dimension. The report, which content-wise reflects the Parliament's reports agreed upon in March, would see big gains for the Greens/EFA group on climate related spending, which will be 30% of the EU's budget, a tripling of the rights and values programme, and more money for nuclear decommissioning in Lithuania.


Humanitarian visas
Debate Wednesday 13 from 17:30

The Greens/EFA have consistently been calling for the establishment of safe and legal pathways for migration, on the one hand for those seeking international or humanitarian protection and, on the other hand for migration, including work and family reunification. This report with recommendations to the Commission on Humanitarian Visas, if adopted, would oblige the European Commission to act and propose concrete legislation establishing a European Humanitarian Visa, which would allow persons seeking international protection to travel to the European Union safely in order to do so. EU Member States support for the UN Global compact for migration will also be debated on Tuesday from 17:30.


European Court of Justice Hearing on Poland and the Supreme Court
Hearing Friday 16 09:00

On Friday the European Court of Justice will hold a hearing on the Polish government's law on the Supreme Court, which came into force in April and was designed to lower the retirement age for Supreme Court to 65. Members of the Polish judiciary, opposition and civil society claim that the law is designed to undermine the independence of the judiciary and replace judges with ones friendly to the government. The European Commission is taking Poland to court over the measures. The Greens/EFA group are calling for the Polish government to rescind these measures and strengthen the rule of law in the country.

More: Commission refers Poland to ECJ over independence of Supreme Court


Greens/EFA Co-Presidents Press Briefing
Tuesday 10:30, Daphne Caruana Galizia Room

Press Conference Energy Package with Michèle Rivasi and Jakop Dalunde
Tuesday 16:00, Daphne Caruana Galizia Room


Press release
©European Union 2024 - Source : EP
Ursula von der Leyen - Statement by the Candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission (2024-2029)
Position Paper
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Picture of Budapest - Hungary © Jaap Hart
Picture of Budapest - Hungary
© Alexander Briel
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