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Press release |

European Parliament takes important step towards fair minimum wages in Europe

Minimum wages

Today, the Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament has just voted in favour of European minimum wages. The proposal also takes steps to improve the social protection of flex workers.


Kim Van Sparrentak, Greens/EFA MEP and member of the Social Affairs Committee, comments:

"About 10 percent of the working population in Europe lives in poverty and it is mainly women who are paid below a living wage, rendering many unable to provide for themselves and their families. With this proposal, minimum wages should contribute to reducing poverty and closing the gender pay gap.

"Those who work must be able to provide for themselves and this should never be questioned. That is why it is important that the minimum wage per country is based on a basic basket of goods and services including, among other things, the costs of adequate housing, healthy food, clothing, transport, health care and participation in culture and education.

“With this proposal, certain self-employed workers, such as platform workers, will also be entitled to the minimum wage. Moreover, trade unions must also be able to unionise workers without a physical workplace.

“This vote is one step towards a more social Europe. “



With this vote, the Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament responds to last year’s proposal from the European Commission. The European Parliament will vote on the proposal during the November plenary session. After this, the negotiations between the EU countries and the European Parliament for the final law can start.






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Responsible MEPs

Kim Van Sparrentak
Kim Van Sparrentak

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