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Bland declarations on employment will not solve inequality

Roadmap for a Social Europe

Today, the European Commission presented its 'Roadmap for a Social Europe' to the Members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The European Commission proposals focus on employment without taking into account the poverty and social exclusion that threatens one in four European citizens and one in eight workers.


Kim van Sparrentak MEP, Greens/EFA Member of the Social Affairs Committee, comments:

"We were waiting for a roadmap that could curb inequalities and tackle the scourge of poverty, but instead the Commission has offered bland declarations on employment. The Commission Roadmap reduces the social agenda to the issue of employment and leaves out issues such as poverty and social exclusion."

"There are increasing reports of abuses of employees in the gig economy, yet the Commission is not going any further than calling for a conference on platform work. It is important for the EU to adopt legislation to protect workers and the self-employed in this rapidly changing economy."

"While many EU countries face considerable inequality, poverty and a lack of certainty in the labour market, the Commission is not in a hurry to work out the 'European pillar of social rights'. The European Commission may not come up with measures until 2021, despite the fact we have been waiting for this since 2017. This is less of a roadmap and more of a route to failure for the promise of a more social Europe." 



European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Kim Van Sparrentak
Kim Van Sparrentak

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