

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Crowd of people Europe flag / CC0 Nico Roicke
Crowd of people Europe flag / CC0 Nico Roicke
Event |

Speak up! Civil society meets Greens/EFA

Got an idea about how to move the EU in a more green, just and social direction? We want to hear from you! Register for our Civil Society Day to share your key priorities, strategic initiatives and policy proposals.
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Press release |

EFA Congratulates newly elected Colombian President Gustavo Petro

The EFA Parliamentary group would like to Congratulate Gustavo Petro on his recent election victory and his appointment as the new President of Colombia. The election of Gustavo Petro and Vice-President Francia Marquez represents a new hope for Colombia and a new path for the relationships with the ...
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Press release |

Eurogroup outcome - EDIS

The Eurogroup failed to reach an agreement on a common European Deposit Insurance Fund (EDIS). The Commission proposed the EDIS back in 2015, however, so far there has been no progress on agreeing on the tool at the Member State level. The Greens/EFA Group will push this issue forward in the European Parliament.
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Press release |

Loss for rule of law with Polish RRP plan approved

European Ministers of Finance signed off on the Polish government’s Recovery and Resilience Plan as part of Next Generation EU. This is despite serious concerns about the implementation of reforms linked to restoring the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law.
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Deforestation illegal-logging-amazon-brazil
Deforestation illegal-logging-amazon-brazil
Event |

Imported deforestation - webinar

Watch our webinar on how to end imported deforestation. The rate of global deforestation remains alarmingly high. The EU must put in place robust regulations to eliminate its outsized deforestation footprint!
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split screen with fossil fuel factory and windmills
split screen with fossil fuel factory and windmills
Press release |

MEPs reject classification of nuclear power and gas as sustainable

A cross-party alliance voted down the European Commission's proposal to label gas and nuclear energy as sustainable. The vote took place in both the Environment (ENVI) and the Economic and Monetary Affairs committees (ECON). The resolution voted on today is expected to be voted on during the July plenary. The Greens/EFA Group calls on all…
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© European Union 2017 - Source : EP
European Parliament
News |

Debriefing of the June plenary session

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary week included the Fit for 55 package, the rule of law, forced labour, abortion rights in the US, common chargers, minimum wage, women on boards and the Convention to change EU Treaties.
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Press release |

EU ready to finally ban all forced labour products

Europeans demand a trade policy in line with EU values, human dignity and social rights. That is why the European Parliament will adopt two landmark resolutions to ensure respect for human rights in EU trade policy.
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Press release |

Parliament must use all tools at its disposal to hold Commission to account over rule of law

Members of the European Parliament voted on a resolution on the Commission’s decision to push ahead with the Polish Recovery Plan. The Polish government has yet to meet any of the criteria set out by President von der Leyen in October last year, nor has it implemented any of the rulings of the European Court of Justice or of the European …
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Press release |

Jordi Solé calls for treaty changes

Today EFA Group President and COFOE member Jordi Solé urged the Parliament to dignify and honour the legacy of the conference on the Future of Europe.