

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Publication |

Greens/EFA Group demands for the next EU Commission

This autumn will see the launch of a new five-year mandate for the European Commission and its chosen President. Europe needs the Commission to play a vital role as it responds to the triple economic, social and environmental crisis. The Greens/EFA Group have outlined essential considerations for the new Commission.
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Press release |

Parental leave

Today a majority led by the conservative EPP-ED group (supported by ALDE) successfully postponed a vote on the Estrela report, which relates to maternity and paternity leave, as well as improved protection against workplace discrimination for working mothers. The report was previously adop...
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Publication |

The Greens' Book

Greens present an overview of their activities in the European Parliament and highlight their achievements during the legislative period while presenting what they want for the new Parliament.