

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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News |

Fundamental rights and migration under Team Juncker

So, overall, are you happy with the proposal from Jean Claude Juncker? While President-elect Juncker has made positive sounds as regards the need to address the challenges of migration and fundamental rights in Europe, some of his proposals in terms of candidates raise serious questions. What is yo...
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Video |

We are on the move! And you?

This Sunday 21st September, all around the world, citizens will come together to call governments across the globe to take their responsibility and take real action to protect the planet. In many parts of the globe, citizens are calling for a real energy transition to renewable energy sources as well as a real ecological transformation of…
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News |

Team Juncker and employment and social policy

  So, overall, are you happy with the proposal from Jean Claude Juncker? Overall, no. It is certainly not the "greenest Commission ever" and I think that some of the nominations defy logic. I am also not convinced that the restructuring of the Commission will mean better decision-ma...
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Press release |

Future EU commissioners

The Greens have expressed concern at the lack of female candidates nominated by EU member states for commissioner posts in the next European Commission (1). Commenting on the situation, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts stated: “The dearth of female candidates nominated ...
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News |

Greens/EFA Roundup

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary included the vote on the EU Commission presidency as well as the debates on TTIP EU-US negotiations- EU, Ukrainian crisis and Europe's role, EU maternity leave rules and youth unemployment in Europe. Another EU priority for the Greens is the Special European Council and the repartition of …
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Publication |

Youth employment

Tabled byTerry Reintke, Karima Delli, Monika Vana, Tamás Meszerics, Tatjana Ždanoka, Jean Lambert, Helga Trüpel, Ernest Urtasun, Jill Evans, Ska Keller, Jordi Sebastià, Bas Eickhout, Ernest Maragall on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group The European Parliament, – having regard to the Council ...
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News |

Strasbourg Flash

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary include the vote on the EU Commission presidency as well as the debates on TTIP EU-US negotiations- EU, Ukrainian crisis and Europe's role, EU maternity leave rules and youth unemployment in Europe. Another EU priority for the Greens is the Special European Council and the repartition of E…
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Event |

EC Presidency

The Greens/EFA group will give Mr Juncker the opportunity for a hearing and will base their decision on if and how his priorities match with the Group's vision for the European Commission over the coming 5 years
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Publication |

25 actions the next President of the EU Commission should commit to

  1. Strengthening democracy, changing political practice   1.1 Claim back the Commission’s autonomy from the influence of the European Council. This starts with the process leading to the election of the next POTEC and his programme. In addition, the EP’s role in init...
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Publication |

Breaking out from the old pattern

  This time it’s different. The traditional “Europe at a crossroad” has morphed into a cliff-hanger situation. For the European Union, the next five years have become a matter of make-or-break choices. Shaken by the violent crisis of the past years, European public opini...