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Média |

Comment on the Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements

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Média |

30th anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear disaster

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. We must learn the lessons of history. We will continue to campaign - in the European Parliament and elsewhere - for an end to nuclear energy.
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Média |

What's the real story behind your clothes?

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Média |

Adoption of Data Protection Regulation Report

The European Parliament has approved the long-awaited reform of the EU's data protection rules, led by Green MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht. The legislation creates an EU-wide data protection regime, and ensures Europe has rules that are fit for purpose in the digital age.
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Média |

Pour un réseau européen des villes refuges

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Média |

#popieramdziewuchy - I support the girls

Polish women have the right to protect their life and their own body. Greens/EFA MEPs support the movement of Polish women who stand for their reproductive rights
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Média |

Interview with Daniel Gros

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Média |

NSA-Massenüberwachung: Jan Albrecht interviewt Filmemacher Friedrich Moser

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Média |

Jan Albrecht interviews US whistleblower Bill Binney

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Média |

IKEA Tax Avoidance