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Press release |

20 years after Tian An Men massacre

Twenty years after the massacre of Tian An Men square, discussion of this event remains taboo in China and the Communist Party has still not provided any explanation about what really happened. Nobody knows what occurred exactly on the square, nor in the neighbouring avenues. How many deaths, how many casualties?
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Press release |

Parental leave

Today a majority led by the conservative EPP-ED group (supported by ALDE) successfully postponed a vote on the Estrela report, which relates to maternity and paternity leave, as well as improved protection against workplace discrimination for working mothers. The report was previously adop...
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Press release |

EU budget 2008

Commenting on the first reading vote by the European Parliament on the budget for 2008 German Green and budgetary spokesperson Helga Trüpel said: "Less than one year after the introduction of the new EU Financial Perspectives, it is already clear that this limited framework cannot adequat...
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Press release |

Fourth Railway Package