

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

Ukraine - Russia

Commenting in the context of the decision of Russian gas energy giant Gazprom’s decision to cut its supplies of gas to Ukraine, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms, stated: “The EU should not just stand by while Russia refuses to supply gas to Ukraine for political reasons. “The Russian nego...
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Press release |

G7 summit

Commenting on the outcome of the G7 summit in Brussels, Greens/EFA president Rebecca Harms said: "The failure to stop arms exports to Russia (notably from France and Germany) will prevent the G7 and the EU from developing any coherent Russia strategy. It is unfathomable that the French governme...
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News |

25 years after Tiananmen

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the massacre at Tiananmen Square. The Chinese Government's policy of cover-up has however hardly changed over the years, according to  Green Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Human Rights, Barbara Lochbihler. “On the contrary, again this year we are seein...
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Press release |

G7 summit

Commenting in the context of the G7 summit in Brussels, Greens/EFA president Rebecca Harms said: "While the G7 leaders are meeting in Brussels, the situation in eastern Ukraine continues to escalate. The G7 cannot stand idly by and accept this deterioration, with its inevitable humanitarian con...
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Press release |

Mining tragedy in Turkey

Following the accident at the Soma mine in Turkey, Rebecca Harms, Co-President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, and Hélène Flautre MEP, Greens/EFA Chair of the European Parliament Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee, said:   “It is with great sadn...
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Press release |

After the referendum in Eastern Ukraine

Commenting on yesterday's referendum in Eastern Ukraine, Rebecca Harms, President of the Green/EFA group today said:"The results of this undemocratic and unfair referendum do not signify the division of Ukraine. The vote took place in the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk under very questionable c...
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What drives Greens to change Europe

Visit our website and see the difference that Greens are making in the European Parliament for a fair and sustainable future
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Press release |


Commenting in the context of the Geneva talks on the situation in Ukraine and following the adoption of a resolution on the situation in Ukraine by the European Parliament, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms stated: "Expectations are low for the Geneva talks but the stakes could not be highe...
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News |

Grand majority of Parliament votes in favor of a regulation on investor-state lawsuits

Investor-state dispute settlement ( ISDS ) has come into the focus of critics since the start of negotiations on a free trade agreement with the US (TTIP). ISDS means that foreign investors can sue the states hosting their investments in front of international courts when they see their rights and p...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Electoral Fraud in Turkey

Basque MEP Inaki Irazabalbeitia held a press conference today in the European Parliament to raise concerns of alleged electoral fraud in the recent municipal elections in Turkey. He was joined for the press conference by Eyyup Doru of the Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party or BDP. Mr Irazabalbeitia ...