

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

SWIFT Agreement

The European Parliament today, in the Strasbourg plenary, has adopted the so-called SWIFT agreement for bank data transfers to US authorities. Greens/EFA home affairs expert in the European Parliament Jan Philipp Albrecht comments: "The adoption of the new swift agreement by the majority of the...
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Press release |

European External Action Service

Commenting on today's approval by the European Parliament of the European External Action Service (EEAS), Franziska Brantner, foreign affairs spokesperson of the Greens/EFA Group, said: "Parliament's approval paves the way for a more coherent and effective European foreign policy that better m...
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Press release |


The European Parliament today voted with a clear majority for the Kosovo resolution of Green MEP and Rapporteur Ulrike Lunacek (Austria). Commenting on the vote, Ms Lunaceck, Greens/EFA Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, said: "The European Parliament today sent a clear signal that the future of ind...
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Press release |

Cluster Munitions Ban

The European Parliament today considered the EU's role in relation to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) and voted for a resolution to ban the weapons. Commenting on the vote Ulrike Lunacek, Foreign Affairs Spokesperson of the Greens/EFA said: "With an overwhelming majority, the European...
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Press release |

Human Rights in North Korea

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News |

Strasbourg Flash

Next week's agenda has important issues for the Greens. The SWIFT agreement on the transfer of passenger data will be voted on as will the improved agreement on the External Action Service. There will be reports on financial supervision, including from Green MEP Sven Giegold. Green MEPs will present a study on the environmental risks of G…
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Event |

The New Political Role of Internet and Mobile Phone

Modern information networks turn more and more into essential tools for political mobilisation. The discredited presidential elections in Iran have initiated a popular protest-movement, the so-called "Green movement" which gained much of its momentum through the new technologies offered via internet and mobile phone: sms, You Tube, twitte…
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Press release |


Commenting on the outcome of the G20 summit in Toronto, Rebecca Harms and Dany Cohn-Bendit, co-chairs of the Greens / EFA group in the European Parliament said:"As expected, there has been no progress at the G20 Summit in Toronto. The lessons from the financial crisis that erupted almost two year...
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Press release |

Bank Data Agreement

German Green MEP and member of the Civil Liberties Committee, Jan Philipp Albrecht, comments on the ongoing negotiations between Council, Commission and Parliament over the transfer of bank data to US authorities ("SWIFT agreement"):"Now the cat is out of the bag: The grand coalition of Conservative...
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Press release |


Commenting on the vote today in the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET) on the Kosovo report, Ulrike Lunacek, Foreign Affairs Spokesperson of the Greens/EFA in the European Parliament and Kosovo-Rapporteur, said:"With a clear majority for my Kosovo-report, the Foreign Affairs Committee has given an imp...