Find our updates and demands on how to help the people in the Ukraine now here

array(8) { ["url"]=> string(111) "files/assets/imgs/list/kherson_after_the_destruction_of_kakhovka_hydroelectric_power_plant__2023-06-07__01_.jpg" ["title"]=> string(32) "Destruction of Nova Kakhovka dam" ["alt"]=> string(32) "Destruction of Nova Kakhovka dam" ["copyright"]=> string(27) "serhiikorovayny (CC BY 4.0)" ["updated_at"]=> int(1686644200) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "bff71cc7b3565bdbf313b2be0beb12a6.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(88) "Kherson_after_the_destruction_of_Kakhovka_Hydroelectric_Power_Plant,_2023-06-07_(01).jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11882/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11882/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11882/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11882/portrait" } }
serhiikorovayny (CC BY 4.0)
Destruction of Nova Kakhovka dam
Press release |

Plenary debate on the Humanitarian and environmental consequences of the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam

At the request of the Greens/EFA Group, the humanitarian and environmental consequences of the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam has been added to the joint debate on Ukraine, taking place this morning in the European Parliament. Quote from Heidi Hautala MEP.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/assets/imgs/list/ukraine_one_year.jpg" ["title"]=> string(16) "Ukraine One year" ["alt"]=> string(42) "One year anniversary of the war in Ukraine" ["copyright"]=> string(10) "Greens/EFA" ["updated_at"]=> int(1677680155) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "ca81df87942c58f4a466b4e0507a16d9.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(20) "Ukraine One year.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11664/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11664/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11664/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11664/portrait" } }
One year anniversary of the war in Ukraine
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We stand with Ukraine. One year on

Today, and always, our hearts and thoughts are with those affected by Russia's war against Ukraine. Those who are displaced. Those who have lost loved ones. Those missing family and their home. Those who hope for a peaceful and free Ukraine soon.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(69) "files/assets/imgs/list/20211006_ep-119951a_den_0119_resized_l.jpg.JPG" ["title"]=> string(67) "European Parliament Strasbourg © European Union 2021 - Source : EP" ["alt"]=> string(30) "European Parliament Strasbourg" ["copyright"]=> string(36) "© European Union 2021 - Source : EP" ["updated_at"]=> int(1676632338) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "79e7acaeb62c7abd85c6f717d091186d.JPG" ["fname"]=> string(42) "20211006_EP-119951A_DEN_0119_RESIZED_L.JPG" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11647/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11647/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11647/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11647/portrait" } }
© European Union 2021 - Source : EP
European Parliament Strasbourg
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Debriefing of the February Plenary Session

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary week included the Green Deal Industrial Plan, EU accession to the Istanbul Convention, CO2 Emissions for Cars and Vans, Developing an EU cycling strategy, an Independent EU Ethics Body and more.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(83) "files/assets/imgs/list/1648887676728_20220401_ep-129397c_mus_016_download_large.jpg" ["title"]=> string(34) "@European Union 2022 - Source : EP" ["alt"]=> string(43) "Roberta Metsola visiting Volodymyr Zelensky" ["copyright"]=> string(34) "@European Union 2022 - Source : EP" ["updated_at"]=> int(1675932427) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "0f9ed2043054ea845fd1f7e1620b25aa.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(60) "1648887676728_20220401_EP-129397C_MUS_016_DOWNLOAD_LARGE.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11608/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11608/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11608/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11608/portrait" } }
@European Union 2022 - Source : EP
Roberta Metsola visiting Volodymyr Zelensky
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Volodymyr Zelenskiy in the European Parliament /EUCO Summit

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy is expected to attend an extraordinary meeting in the European Parliament. Afterwards, the EU Heads of State and Government will receive the Ukrainian President for their summit meeting. Terry Reintke, President of the Greens/EFA Group, will be present at the EUCO summit from around 6pm.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(63) "files/assets/imgs/list/max-kukurudziak-qbc3zmxw0g8-unsplash.jpg" ["title"]=> string(36) "Photo by Max Kukurudziak on Unsplash" ["alt"]=> string(14) "Ukrainian flag" ["copyright"]=> string(36) "Photo by Max Kukurudziak on Unsplash" ["updated_at"]=> int(1674128735) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "74f7e26b9e5edbd0f17c25ca38335d01.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(40) "max-kukurudziak-qbc3Zmxw0G8-unsplash.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11573/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11573/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11573/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11573/portrait" } }
Photo by Max Kukurudziak on Unsplash
Ukrainian flag
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European Parliament votes for special tribunal for Russian war crimes

A broad majority of the European Parliament are calling for a special tribunal for Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. A large majority have just voted to support the establishment of the special tribunal in close cooperation with the International Criminal Court.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(68) "files/assets/imgs/list/1670918861982_20221212_ep-141836a_dsc_053.jpg" ["title"]=> string(36) "© European Union 2022 - Source : EP" ["alt"]=> string(49) "Poster with the winner of the 2022 Sakharov Prize" ["copyright"]=> string(36) "© European Union 2022 - Source : EP" ["updated_at"]=> int(1671007729) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "fdb8873dff18a4e082aed4d8bff6899e.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(45) "1670918861982_20221212_EP-141836A_DSC_053.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11528/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11528/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11528/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11528/portrait" } }
© European Union 2022 - Source : EP
Poster with the winner of the 2022 Sakharov Prize
Press release |

The Greens-EFA welcome the award of the Sakharov Prize to the brave people of Ukraine

The 2022 prize will be awarded to “The brave people of Ukraine” represented by their president, civil society and elected leaders*. The decision was taken unanimously by the Parliament's Conference of Presidents on 19/10/2022. The award ceremony of the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is taking place today from 12 to 12.30.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(68) "files/assets/imgs/list/1666088935974_20221018_ep-138448a_stp_055.jpg" ["title"]=> string(50) "Philippe Lamberts and Terry Reintke Press Briefing" ["alt"]=> string(50) "Philippe Lamberts and Terry Reintke Press Briefing" ["copyright"]=> string(36) "© European Union 2022 - Source : EP" ["updated_at"]=> int(1670938243) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "df03279615925b03f7975fc48f2d151f.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(45) "1666088935974_20221018_EP-138448A_STP_055.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11521/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11521/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11521/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11521/portrait" } }
© European Union 2022 - Source : EP
Philippe Lamberts and Terry Reintke Press Briefing
Press release |

Deal welcome on rule of law, Ukraine & tax but national vetoes not fit for the future

EU Permanent Representatives have agreed to a package deal on several files, including on the long delayed global minimum tax rate for multinationals of 15%, unblocking €18 billion of aid to Ukraine, approval of the Hungarian Recovery and Resilience Plan, and the continuation of the conditionality mechanism for Hungary with a suspension r…
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(69) "files/assets/imgs/list/20211006_ep-119951a_den_0119_resized_l.jpg.JPG" ["title"]=> string(67) "European Parliament Strasbourg © European Union 2021 - Source : EP" ["alt"]=> string(30) "European Parliament Strasbourg" ["copyright"]=> string(36) "© European Union 2021 - Source : EP" ["updated_at"]=> int(1666344402) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "79e7acaeb62c7abd85c6f717d091186d.JPG" ["fname"]=> string(42) "20211006_EP-119951A_DEN_0119_RESIZED_L.JPG" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11388/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11388/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11388/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11388/portrait" } }
© European Union 2021 - Source : EP
European Parliament Strasbourg
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Debriefing of the October II plenary session

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary week included COP27, rule of law and media freedom in Malta, alternative fuel infrastructure, general budget for the EU for 2023, Frontex discharge 2020, social and economic consequences of the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis package
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(52) "files/assets/imgs/list/ep-strasbourg-hemicycle_2.jpg" ["title"]=> string(23) "EP-Strasbourg-hemicycle" ["alt"]=> string(23) "EP-Strasbourg-hemicycle" ["copyright"]=> string(0) "" ["updated_at"]=> int(1666274016) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "9338419b4b0ea33fc02beb03808a638a.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(27) "EP-Strasbourg-hemicycle.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11376/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11376/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11376/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11376/portrait" } } EP-Strasbourg-hemicycle
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EFA MEPs want culture to be at the heart of Ukraine's recovery

EFA MEPs Diana Riba i Giner and Piernicola Pedicini intervened in plenary to highlight the importance of culture when aiding the Ukraine recovery.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(66) "files/assets/imgs/list/2048px-european_parliament__plenar_hall.jpg" ["title"]=> string(9) "hemicycle" ["alt"]=> string(38) "Picture of the hemicycle in Strasbourg" ["copyright"]=> string(25) "Photo European Parliament" ["updated_at"]=> int(1665995124) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "9bd4bb44a65efd14338821f5ad7fec5d.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(43) "2048px-European_Parliament,_Plenar_hall.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11332/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11332/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11332/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11332/portrait" } }
Photo European Parliament
Picture of the hemicycle in Strasbourg
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Plenary Flash - 17-20 October 2022

On the agenda for the plenary session: COP27, rule of law and media freedom in Malta, alternative fuel infrastructure, general budget for the EU for 2023, Frontex discharge 2020, social and economic consequences of the war in Ukraine and the introduction of a windfall tax