This section reflects opinions from youth members of the civil society and organizations but does not necessarily reflect the position of the Greens/EFA parliamentary group.
Climate Justice FFF / CC0 markus-spiske

Child holding a balloon during a climate march/ CC0 Mika Baumeister

There is no plan b sign during climate march/ CC0 Markus Spiske

Trees in Sequoia National Park/ CC0 Susan Yin

Climate March Sign 'There is no Planet B' / CC0 Markus Spiske

Fruits and vegetables in a wooden box/ CC0 Shelley Pauls

Slash and burn amazon ©Matt Zimmerman (CC BY 2.0)

Fridays for Future demonstration European Council/Anuna De Wever/Adélaïde Charlier


© CC0 Martin Sanchez.jpg