

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

Automotive industry

The European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection committee has voted in favour of the draft report on approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles (“type approval”). The Greens/EFA group has been pushing for the establishment of an independent EU agency to help restore consumer confidence and avoid further scandals,…
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Video |

MEPs, let’s keep the spirit of the Paris agreement alive!

A little more than a year on from the historic decision in Paris, Europe will soon have its first chance to show that it is taking the Paris climate agreement seriously.
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Video |

The Green corner

The European Parliament is in session in Strasbourg from Monday 13th to Thursday 16th February. We take a look at the main issues coming up, including the vote on CETA and the revision of the Emission Trading System.
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Press release |

EU Commission lets aviation off the hook again

The European Commission has announced it will extend indefinitely the “stop the clock” measure under which international aviation remains exempt from the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The Commission has once again let the sector off the hook, says Green MEP Bas Eickhout.
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solar panels
News |

Energy Union

A few weeks ago, the EU Commission presented the ‘winter package’, a series of eight legislative proposals which will enable the Energy Union project to be put in place. For the Greens, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and the citizens of the EU are the three key elements that should be at the heart of this project.
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News |

Electricity price scandal in the Spanish state

Scandalously high electricity prices in the Spanish state have been highlighted by Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya MEPs Josep-Maria Terricabras and Jordi Solé in a written question to the European Commission.   MEPs Josep-Maria Terricabras & Jordi Solé Electricity p...
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Press release |

Green MEP appointed Chair of the Transport Committee

The European Parliament's Transport Committee has appointed its Chair for the next two and a half years. The French Green MEP Karima Delli, who has been a member of the committee since 2014, was elected chair and takes over the position from Green MEP Michael Cramer.
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News |

Welcome to “Weirdland”

Do you know the difference between Antoine Deltour, whistleblower in the Luxleaks scandal, and Jon Palais, French citizen seizing chairs? When it comes to justice: none. They are both prosecuted for denouncing something morally wrong and costly to our societies, while the real culprits walk free.
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News |

Greens/EFA Round up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary included: LuxLeaks appeal trial; 4th Railway Package: missed opportunity for progress; New Greens/EFA co-presidents and bureau announced; Commission Statement: rule of law in Poland; Sakharov Prize presentation; Commission Statement: Energy Union Package; Parliament’s rules of Procedure; Co…
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Press release |

Emissions Trading System

The European Parliament’s Environment committee has today voted on the much-needed reform of the Emissions Trading System (ETS). The so-called EU 'cornerstone policy' in the fight against climate change has been largely malfunctioning, and has not been able to deliver a carbon price hi...