THE GREENS/EFA GROUP is made up of Green, EFA, Pirate and Independent MEPs.
Counting with 53 Members (27 women and 26 men) from 17 countries and 3 regions.
It is the only Group in the European Parliament that always had a gender-balanced Co-Presidency.
- Show all Show all
- Co-Presidents Co-Presidents
- Bureau Bureau
- Česká pirátská strana Česká pirátská strana
- Bloque Nacionalista Galego Bloque Nacionalista Galego
- Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
- Catalunya en Comú Catalunya en Comú
- Comhaontas Glas Comhaontas Glas
- Compromís Compromís
- Déi Gréng Déi Gréng
- Demokratų sąjunga „Vardan Lietuvos“ Demokratų sąjunga „Vardan Lietuvos“
- Die Grünen Die Grünen
- Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya
- Europa Verde Europa Verde
- Europe Ecologie - Les Verts Europe Ecologie - Les Verts
- Greens and Farmers Union Greens and Farmers Union
- Groen Groen
- GroenLinks GroenLinks
- Independent Member Independent Member
- Latvijas Krievu savienība Latvijas Krievu savienība
- Lehet Más a Politika Lehet Más a Politika
- L'Esquerra pel Dret a Decidir L'Esquerra pel Dret a Decidir
- Miljöpartiet De Gröna Miljöpartiet De Gröna
- Možemo! Možemo!
- Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei
- Párbeszéd Magyarországért Párbeszéd Magyarországért
- Piratenpartei Deutschland Piratenpartei Deutschland
- Plaid Cymru Plaid Cymru
- Progresīvie Progresīvie
- Régions et Peuples Solidaires Régions et Peuples Solidaires
- Scottish National Party Scottish National Party
- Socialistisk Folkeparti Socialistisk Folkeparti
- The Green Party of England and Wales The Green Party of England and Wales
- Uniunea Salvați România Uniunea Salvați România
- Verjamem! Lista dr. Igorja Šoltesa Verjamem! Lista dr. Igorja Šoltesa
- Vesna Vesna
- Vihreät - De Gröna Vihreät - De Gröna
- Volt Volt
- Austria Austria
- Belgium Belgium
- Croatia Croatia
- Czech Republic Czech Republic
- Denmark Denmark
- Estonia Estonia
- Finland Finland
- France France
- Germany Germany
- Greece Greece
- Hungary Hungary
- Ireland Ireland
- Italy Italy
- Latvia Latvia
- Lithuania Lithuania
- Luxembourg Luxembourg
- Netherlands Netherlands
- Poland Poland
- Portugal Portugal
- Romania Romania
- Slovenia Slovenia
- Spain Spain
- Sweden Sweden
- United Kingdom United Kingdom
- Agriculture and Rural Development Agriculture and Rural Development
- Animal transport (committee of inquiry) Animal transport (committee of inquiry)
- Artificial intelligence in a digital age (Special committee) Artificial intelligence in a digital age (Special committee)
- Beating cancer (Special committee) Beating cancer (Special committee)
- Budgetary Control Budgetary Control
- Budgets Budgets
- Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
- Constitutional Affairs Constitutional Affairs
- COVID-19 pandemic (Special Committee) COVID-19 pandemic (Special Committee)
- Culture and Education Culture and Education
- Development Development
- Economic and Monetary Affairs Economic and Monetary Affairs
- Employment and Social Affairs Employment and Social Affairs
- Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
- EU authorisation procedure for pesticides (Special committee) EU authorisation procedure for pesticides (Special committee)
- Financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance (Special committee) Financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance (Special committee)
- Fisheries Fisheries
- Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs
- Foreign interference, including disinformation II (Special committee) Foreign interference, including disinformation II (Special committee)
- Human Rights Human Rights
- Industry, Research and Energy Industry, Research and Energy
- Internal Market and Consumer Protection Internal Market and Consumer Protection
- International Trade International Trade
- Legal Affairs Legal Affairs
- Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware (Inquiry Committee) Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware (Inquiry Committee)
- Petitions Petitions
- Regional Development Regional Development
- Security and Defence Security and Defence
- Subcommittee on Public Health Subcommittee on Public Health
- Tax matters (subcommittee) Tax matters (subcommittee)
- Terrorism (Special committee) Terrorism (Special committee)
- Transport and Tourism Transport and Tourism
- Women's Rights and Gender Equality Women's Rights and Gender Equality
- Afghanistan Afghanistan
- Andean Community Andean Community
- Arab Peninsula Arab Peninsula
- Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
- Australia and New Zealand Australia and New Zealand
- Belarus Belarus
- Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo
- Canada Canada
- Cariforum — EU Cariforum — EU
- Central America Central America
- EU-Albania EU-Albania
- EU-Chile EU-Chile
- EU-Croatia EU-Croatia
- EU-Mexico EU-Mexico
- EU-Montenegro EU-Montenegro
- EU-North Macedonia EU-North Macedonia
- EU-Serbia SAPC EU-Serbia SAPC
- EU-Turkey EU-Turkey
- Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly
- Euro-Mediterranean Euro-Mediterranean
- Euronest Euronest
- Federative Republic of Brazil Federative Republic of Brazil
- India India
- Iran Iran
- Iraq Iraq
- Israel Israel
- Japan Japan
- Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia
- Korean Peninsula Korean Peninsula
- Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union
- Mashreq Mashreq
- Mercosur Mercosur
- Moldova Moldova
- Palestine Palestine
- Pan-African Parliament Pan-African Parliament
- Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean
- People's Republic of China People's Republic of China
- Relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo Relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo
- Relations with the UK Relations with the UK
- Russia Russia
- South Africa South Africa
- South Asia South Asia
- Southeast Asia, ASEAN Southeast Asia, ASEAN
- Switzerland, Iceland and Norway and European Economic Area (EEA) Switzerland, Iceland and Norway and European Economic Area (EEA)
- Ukraine Ukraine
- United States United States
- Committee Coordinators Committee Coordinators
- EFA only EFA only
- Pirates only Pirates only
Kira Peter-Hansen
Vice-President and Treasurer
Vice-President and Treasurer
Substitute Member
Diana Riba i Giner
EFA President and first Vice President of the Greens/EFA Group
EFA President and first Vice President of the Greens/EFA Group
EFA President and first Vice President of the Greens/EFA Group
Substitute Member
Marie Toussaint
Substitute Member
Substitute Member
Substitute Member