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Event |

Gender equality and the just transition

Online roundtable - Register here

There cannot be a just and successful transition forgetting women. If we want the green transition to be just, we need to ensure gender equality in practice. Join our event to see what leading voices on the ground and in industry have to say about making sure that we achieve equality at all levels. 


Draft Programme

10:30-10:35 Introduction

Keynote speech - Greens/EFA MEP Mounir Satouri (5 minutes)


10:35 - 11:30 Gender Equality and the Just Transition on the ground: experiences from across Europe (55 minutes)

Greens/EFA MEPs Rosa D’Amato and Niklas Niena will discuss with:

  • Mayor of Taranto, Italy, Rinaldo Melucci

  • Dr Gesine Märtens, State Secretary in the Saxon State Ministry of Justice and Democracy, Europe and Equality

  • Alice Corovessi, Managing Director at the Institute of Zero energy buildings, Greece

Our speakers will talk about how they are implementing the just transition and will explore opportunities for women and gender diverse people in transitioning regions, what obstacles exist, and what plans they have to move forward. 

11:30- 12:25 Creating space for women and gender diverse people in key transition industries (55 minutes)

Greens/EFA MEPs Henrike Hahn and Alexandra Geese will talk to speakers from industry, the European Commission, and from an NGO perspective:

  • Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO of SolarPower Europe

  • Maëva Roulette, Policy Officer at the European Commission, working on the design and implementation of the European Social Fund

  • Andrea Casamenti, Just Transition Project Officer, SOLIDAR

They will discuss what plans can be designed at the European level to encourage the mainstreaming of gender equality. 

12:25-12:30 Conclusions (5 minutes)




European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
Press release

Responsible MEPs

Rosa D’Amato
Rosa D’Amato
Alexandra Geese
Alexandra Geese
Henrike Hahn
Henrike Hahn
Niklas Nienass
Niklas Nienass
Mounir Satouri
Mounir Satouri

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