
Read our position papers, our studies, our statements and policy papers

Position papers include all papers formally adopted by our Group and thus representing our official position on major issues. Policy papers gather all briefings, brochures, statements from working groups or other Group bodies which have not been submitted to a vote but reflect a more technical position on specific topics. Studies are reports commissioned to experts and are accompanied most of the time with our political recommendations. For information and transparency purposes, we also publish here all Group letters sent to the other institutions or representatives

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Publication |

Time has come for a fairer CAP

Subsidies should be distributed more fairly among the 27 member states and between farmers within each state. One of the main ways in which this could be is by limiting the amount of aid that a farmer can receive. Such a proposal would allow for a far more equitable distribution of public funds to support family farms and small and medium…
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For a GMO-free Europe

GMOs represent a global threat to environment, health, biodiversity and long-term food security. European citizens have a right to a GMO-free environment and food.
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30 years of genetically engineered plants

The first genetically engineered plants were created 30 years ago. Commercial growing in the USA beganalmost 20 years ago. Compared to the EU, developments in the USA were driven to a much greaterextent by the business interests of companies such as Monsanto. Nevertheless, the EU has seen an opening...
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Flawed Reactor Pressure Vessels in Belgian Nuclear Plants Doel-3 and Tihange-2

In August 2012 the Belgian Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC) informed the public about the finding of thousands of flaws in the reactor pressure vessel of the nuclear power plant Doel 3. Similar flaws in the reactor pressure vessel of the nuclear power plant Tihange 2 were revealed in September 2012.
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Publication |

Recent casualties in textile factory fires, notably in Bangladesh

Greens/EFA call on foreign companies operating in Bangladesh and Pakistan to favour commercial relations with manufacturers that operate in compliance with the basic ILO Conventions and the laws of the two countries
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Call for a progressive agenda on creation and innovation

Send us your input and contribute to the building of a progressive agenda! After the rejection of ACTA, Greens/EFA want to protect the users of the Internet and their fundamental rights, but also have the ambition to tackle issues related to the way society is organized. Creation and innovation depend on how knowledge and information are…
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The true costs of automobility

Car use creates benefits for the users. Naturally there are also costs for car mobility: obvious costs but also less obvious ones, such as costs arising from noise and pollution. The study commissioned by the Greens/EFA estimates the magnitude of these hidden costs of car mobility and the ways in which these costs are currently being fin…
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Conflict in the Gaza Strip

The European Parliament, –   having regard to its previous resolutions on the Middle East and in particular to that of 10 March 2010 on implementation of the Goldstone recommendations on Israel/Palestine(1), –   having regard to the conclusions on Gaza of the...
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Climate change conference in Doha

The Greens/EFA regrets the lack of progress by the EU on both mitigation and ensuring the continuity of climate finance, and fears this could have serious implications for the credibility of the EU but also the overall UN efforts to tackle climate change.
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Towards the end of oil

The European Union faces one of its greatest ever challenges: preparing for a post-oil society Oil enabled Europe to become one of the richest economies on the planet. Our continent is the world's second largest consumer of oil, yet its oil production has halved since 1999. Today it only meets 13% of its needs, and soon the European Unio…