Bring back nature

Healthy ecosystems

Our ecosystems are in poor health. Climate change is but one reason, other drivers are harmful practices in our agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors.

We need to change these practices to protect and restore nature.

EU action to bring back nature

We are losing nature faster than ever. Scientists believe that we are living through the sixth mass extinction, and first mass extinction since humans occupied the Earth.

But we depend on nature. The planet can survive mass extinction, we cannot.

Luckily, nature has an incredible capacity to bounce back. We know how to protect and restore nature. We also know how to reconcile nature protection and our needs as humans. We need to act strongly, and now!

Help us to bring back nature

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    • Protect at least 30 percent of the EU’s land and sea area, and set aside at least 10 percent as strictly protected areas.
    • Restore 30 percent of drained wetlands, regardless of whether they have been drained for agricultural production, forests or peat extraction.
    • Promote ecological forestry practices. Such approaches are already practised on an estimated 22 to 30 percent of the EU’s forested area.
    • Stop destructive fishing practices in EU-protected areas. The EU can no longer tolerate practices like bottom trawling, scraping all sea life from the bottom of the seabed, in its marine protected areas.


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Press release |

Greens/EFA welcome Council finally adopts historic Nature Restoration Law

The environment ministers finally approved the Nature Restoration Law. The approval has for months been deadlocked in the Council, but following the announcement last night by Leonore Gewessler, Green minister for Climate and Nature in Austria, that Austria would vote in favour of the legislation, the Council was able to adopt this histor…
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Wild flowers
Press release |

MEPs vote in favour of saving nature

Members of the European Parliament just voted in favour of the Nature Restoration Law. This vote is a success for the preservation of biodiversity and for climate protection in the EU, for farmers and for food safety. It is a victory for the many environmental organisations and businesses that have been fighting for months.
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Video |

Working with nature - a forester's story

In this episode, Greens/EFA MEP Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg listens to the story of a forester from Germany who went for ecological forestry - to the benefit of nature and people.
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Video |

Bring back nature in Italy

Given the alarming state of our ecosystems, it is no longer sufficient to protect the nature we have left. We also need to restore nature that has been degraded. In this episode, Greens/EFA MEP Rosa d’Amato visits the Torre Guaceto marine reserve in Puglia, Italy.
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Video |

Bring back nature in Croatia

In this episode, Greens/EFA MEP Ska Keller visits the Kornati National Park in Croatia. Created in 1980, the National Park hosts a variety of marine life, including algae, corals, molluscs, crabs and fish
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Sarpa salpa fish / CC0 marino-linic
Sarpa salpa fish / CC0 marino-linic
Opinion |

No nature, no fish - Why we need (more) marine protected areas

Caroline Roose
Opinion by Caroline Roose
Marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean is declining. MEP Caroline Roose explains how more marine protected areas can save our oceans.
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Video |

Bring back nature in France

Given the alarming state of our ecosystems, it is no longer sufficient to protect the nature we have left. We also need to restore nature that has been degraded. In this episode, Greens/EFA MEP Caroline Roose visits the Côte Bleue Marine Park close to Marseille, France.
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Video |

Bring back nature in Belgium

In this episode, Greens/EFA MEPs Sara Mathieu and Thomas Waitz visit the Dijle River near Oud Heverlee, Belgium.
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bring back nature Ireland video thumbnail
bring back nature Ireland video thumbnail
Video |

Bring back nature in Ireland

In this episode, Greens/EFA MEPs Jutta Paulus and Grace O’Sullivan visit Abbeyleix Bog in County Laois, Ireland.
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Bring back nature in Poland
Bring back nature in Poland
Video |

Bring back nature in Poland

In this episode, Greens/EFA MEPs Jutta Paulus and Hannah Neumann visit the Ina river, a tributary to the Odra river in Northern Poland.