Our parliamentary work

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European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
News |

Plenary Flash - 6-9 June 2022

On the agenda for the plenary session: the Fit for 55 package, Question Time with the Commission on reducing the use of pesticides and strengthening consumer protection, Council and Commission statements on the rule of law and the potential approval of the Polish national Recovery Plan (RRF), Council and Commission statements on global th…
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Press release |

Migration : solidarity should not be a crime

A delegation of MEPs from progressive groups held a press conference with the former mayor of Riace Domenico “Mimmo” Lucano who was sentenced to 13 years and 2 months in prison for criminal conspiracy to assist illegal immigration. MEPs wanted to express their solidarity with Mimmo Lucano and to highlight their commitment in favour of an…
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Press release |

Commission pushes ahead with Polish Recovery Plan despite serious issues with judicial independence

The European Commission has agreed that it will push ahead the National Recovery Plan for Poland. The Greens/EFA Group have long called for the Polish Plan approval to be withheld until the Polish government substantially reforms its judiciary.
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European Council
European Council
Press release |

EUCO: Agreement reached on EU partial oil embargo

The agreement to ban 90 percent of Russian oil from entering the European Union and to finally put the sixth sanctions package into force is welcome. To continue maximum pressure on Russia, the EU’s unity is key. European unity cannot come at the expense of the rule of law though. The EU must not give away its values for unity.
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End Mass Surveillance video thumbnail
End Mass Surveillance video thumbnail
Video |

New tools of oppression? Here's why Italy banned mass surveillance

What is biometric mass surveillance? Why is it so dangerous? And what can we do to ban the use of our biometric data to protect our privacy?
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Press release |

War in Ukraine: War crimes must be prosecuted

War crimes in Ukraine and criminal prosecution will be debated by Members of the European Parliament. The debate will be followed by a vote on a resolution calling for support to the International Criminal Court in gathering evidence and prosecution, close cooperation with Ukrainian civil society and prosecution of sexual violence, gender…
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Press release |

REPowerEU: Commission takes step towards ending dependence on Russian oil and gas

The European Commission presented the REPowerEU package of proposals on how to make the EU independent of fossil fuels, in particular from Russia. The Greens/EFA Group welcome legal and binding measures for more renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as the proposed legal obligation to install solar energy on all new public and c…
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Press release |

Greens/EFA Group welcome new defence plan

The Commission has just released its plan to close the defence investment gaps, in light of the Russian aggression in Ukraine.
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Photo by Marius Oprea on Unsplash
European Parliament in Brussels
Press release |

MEPs to vote on global minimum corporate tax rate for multinationals

MEPs will debate and vote on the need for EU Member States to agree to proceed on the OECD framework for a minimum corporate tax rate. So far Poland is blocking the Council and holding the EU back in moving forward as a block on the international agreement, which would see a minimum corporate tax rate of 15% for large multinationals. Next…
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News |

Diana Riba MEP alerts on the deteriorating state of the Rule of law

EFA MEP Diana Riba intervened in plenary session today to raise awareness of the current state of the Rule of Law.