Our parliamentary work

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Video |

World day against the death penalty

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Video |

EU action on oil exploration and extraction in Europe

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Video |

Conference on Biological Diversity - Nagoya 2010

Contribution of biodiversity and ecosystems to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals - Conference on Biological Diversity - Nagoya 2010
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Video |


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Video |

Possession of visas when crossing the external borders of Member States

Third Countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders of Member States
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Publication |

Extended lifetime of German nuclear reactors

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Press release |

EU budget and ITER

The EU budget committee voted last night to reduce proposed spending on the ITER nuclear fusion project under the EU budget for 2011 (1). Green MEPs welcomed the vote but argued that scrapping the project, which is facing higher-than-planned costs, would be the most logical solution. After the vote,...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

A ban on offshore drilling and biodiversity top the agenda for the parliament's plenary, while the Commission is expected to present a communication on a financial transaction tax. There are also a number of Greens/EFA events.
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Video |

"No to austerity - Priority on jobs and growth"

The Greens joined with workers from across Europe - as part of the wider European Day of Action - to protest against the austerity measures recently adopted by many European countries and calling for investment in employment creation
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Press release |

UK Government taken to court over data protection

Scottish Nationalist MEP Ian Hudghton has urged the ConDem government in London to 'get it's act together' on data protection. The call came as it emerged that the European Commission is to refer the UK to the European Court of Justice over its apparent failure to comply with EU data protection rule...