Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

UN climate talks

The EU today decided on the emissions reduction target it will submit to the UN Convention on Climate Change as specified under the Copenhagen Accord - a 20/30% reduction by 2020 from 1990 levels. The European Greens have already submitted an alternative target of 40% to the UNFCCC on behalf of the...
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Press release |

European Parliament divided on fisheries reform

UK GOVERNMENT MUST JOIN STRUGGLE TO RETURN POWERS TO THE FISHING NATIONS SNP President Ian Hudghton MEP has today (Wednesday) called for the UK government to back efforts to return real powers over fisheries management to Europe's fishing nations. The call came after an important vote in the Eu...
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Publication |

Greens' submission to Appendix of Copenhagen Accord for UNFCCC

The Greens have submitted an alternative emissions reduction target of 40% (rather than 20/30%) to the UN climate body on behalf of EU.
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News |

Brussels Agenda

In the upcoming European Parliament committee week, Greens/EFA agenda priorities and events include Haiti, discussions on the EU-US SWIFT agreement and medicine safety with particular regard to the swine flu vaccine.
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Press release |

GMOs-Consumer protection

It has emerged in Germany that massive quantities of "organic" clothes and textiles – sold by high street chains such as H&M, C&A and Tchibo – have been sourced from genetically-modified cotton in India.Greens/EFA President Rebecca Harms commented:"Although the fraud has onl...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
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e-fa News Round-Up January 2010

The European Free Alliance (EFA) draws together political parties fighting for democracy and self-determination for the stateless nations and regions of Europe. European Free Alliance MEPs sit in a joint European parliamentary group with the Greens, making up the fourth largest group in parliament.E...
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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up 18-21 January 2010

Priorities for the Greens included the last hearings of the Commissioner-designates, the debate on Iran, the presentation of the programme of the Spanish Presidency of the EU, the EU-US agreement on bank data transfers and Green MEP Eva Joly's report on the EU-ACP Cotonou Agreement revision.
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Press release |

EU-US bank data transfers

Following a Greens/EFA request, today's European Parliament Conference of Presidents agreed that EP President Jerzy Buzek will send a letter to the EU Council to call for a suspension of the EU agreement on providing bank transfer data from the SWIFT system to the US. The interim agreement is due ...
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Press release |

EU Ombudsman

Finnish Green MEP Heidi Hautala has welcomed the European Parliament vote to approve a new term for EU Ombudsman Nikiforos Diamandouros. The role involves investigating complaints on the EU institutions, especially regarding transparency.
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Press release |

Cotonou Agreement

The European Parliament has adopted a report by Green MEP Eva Joly, calling for substantial revisions to be made in the EU-ACP development cooperation agreement. Finance, food, energy and climate change are among the policy areas where change is demanded in this year's mid-term review of the 20 year accord.