Our parliamentary work

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Report of the conference "Taking up the challenge"

Report of the 1st panel - Wednesday 10 January 2007 - 19.15-21.00Which challenges do we face? Which Europe do we need?"Our task as Green Parliamentarians is to 'green the European Union'" – this was the wake up call with which Renate Künast, co-Chair of the German Greens, opened the third Green pa...
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EU climate policy

The European Commission proposed today its strategy on energy and climate change which sets a target of a paltry 20% reduction of greenhous gas emissions by 2020.
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Energy and EU citizens

According to a new European Commission survey, the Eurobarometer on energy technologies published on Monday, a very large majority of EU citizens back renewables like solar energy or wind energy. On the other hand a majority is against nuclear.
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Global warming

The World Meteorological Organization announced that the global mean surface temperature in 2006 is currently estimated to be +0,42°C above the 1961-1990 annual average. The final figures, to be released in March 2007, will most probably confirm that 2006 was the sixth warmest year on record.
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EU-Russia Energy Dialogue

At a meeting of the Permanent Partnership Council (PPC) focused on energy, the EU and Russia agreed to join efforts in order to enhance energy efficiency. They discussed also the outcome of the "Thematic Groups" established in the framework of the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue.
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EU transport funding plans

According to a new research released by Friends of the Earth Europe and CEE Bankwatch Network, EU transport funding in the 10 central and eastern European countries will be invested at 52% in climate-damaging road and motorways projects.
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Solar thermal energy

An EU-supported technology platform promoting solar thermal material held its first working meeting in Brussels on Wednesday. It forecasts that by 2030 solar thermal energy will provide more than 50% of all heating in Europe's buidlings.
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EP Presidency

Monica Frassoni wants to restore the relevance of the European Parliament and make it count as an actor in the EU policy process. This manifesto, 'Building a Coalition for Change', gives a short overview of some of the issues Monica would like to focus on as president.
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Nuclear power in Bulgaria

The European Parliament today approved a Green amendment to the report on Bulgaria's accession calling for the closure of Blocks 3 and 4 of the dangerous Koslodui nuclear plant by the end of the year, as consistent with Bulgaria's accession protocol.
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EU research programme

The European Parliament voted today on the 7th research framework programme for the period 2007-2013. It includes research and development in the field of energy technologies like renewable energies and energy efficiency.