Our parliamentary work

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EU climate policy

At the occasion of their meeting in Brussels, the leaders of the German Greens in the European Parliament, the German Parliament and regional Parlaments unveiled a declaration on climate change. It aims at pushing the German government towards more leadership in concret climate-friendly measures.
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Fuel Quality Directive

The representatives of EU governments agreed last week that the binding agrofuel sustainability criteria should be included in the revised version of the EU's 1998 Fuel Quality Directive. It would ensure that those standards are in place early to prevent the production of unsustainable and dirty agrofuels.
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Nuclear power plant Mochovce

At a common press conference today in Bratislava, Greens/EFA MEP Rebecca Harms, supported the move of Greenpeace to act against the nuclear project in Mochovce. The Environmental Impact Assessment of the project is not in line with the EU rules.
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Nuclear accidents

More than 20 years after the catastrophe of Chernobyl, French authorities want to set up a "doctrine" on how to deal with the consequences of a nuclear catastrophe. The easiest solution would be to phase out nuclear.
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Climate package

French Prime Minister Fillon met yesterday top officials of the European Parliament to prepare the French Presidency (July-December 2008). The Greens expressed their concerns as the European Parliament might be weakened in the negotiations on the climate package.
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Kyoto targets

On 16 February 2005 the Kyoto Protocol entered into force. Three years after we are now at the beginning of the first compliance period (2008-2012): there are now 4 years, 10 months and 14 days left for the EU-15 to meet its target of a -8% reduction compared to the 1990 emissions.
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Situation in the Gaza Strip

Greens/EFA welcome the role played by the Egyptian authorities as regards the management of this emergency situation and call for an urgent and exemplary energy project for Gaza, possibly in the Rafah area, in order to assure autonomy and self sufficiency in electricity production and desalinazation for the Gaza population
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EU carbon revenues

One week ahead of the next ECOFIN meeting, the Council's economic policy committee says in a report that governments should have exclusive sovereignty over the money from carbon permit auctions. The European commission demands that at least 20% of the revenues have to be ring-fenced in the fight against climate change.
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Waste and climate change

A briefing by the European Environment Agency shows that the municipal waste volumes continue to grow. The effort to prevent the generation of waste have to be significantly reinforced in order to reduce the emissions from municipal waste.
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Water management

On 29 January water was at the center of the hearing of the European Parliament's CLIM committee. High-level speakers addressed the various aspects of climate change-induced water stress, such as impacts on people, agriculture or nature.